1. Reservations are required for all group visits.
Please call (505) 786-7014 x 253 and speak to Ramona Begay for reservations at least three weeks ahead of your planned visit. When you make reservations, we will send a packet of information, including a fee waiver form to complete. Teachers or group leaders without set field trip dates can call and request one of these packets prior to making reservations.
2. Only two school groups may visit the park each day.
We believe limiting the number of groups per day will allow us to better serve you. It is essential that you call the park for reservations well in advance (at least three weeks) of your visit so that we can make your reservations (process your fee waiver if applicable) and accommodate your group.
3. School groups should provide 1 teacher/chaperone to every 10 students.
The park’s cultural resources are extremely fragile and easily damaged. Teachers and chaperones must control students to insure that they stay together, remain on designated trails, do not climb on fragile walls, and do not leave graffiti.
4. Groups visiting the park are limited to 60 students and teachers.
Our facilities cannot accommodate groups larger than 60. Our theater seats only 40 people. We recommend that you divide your school group into groups of 10, 20, or 30 students with adequate chaperones. This will help the park provide your group with opportunities to travel to the Chacoan sites in numbers that will not have an impact on the fragile park resources. If you plan to hike any backcountry trails, divide your group into smaller groups (10 to 15 people) to assure that everyone has a safe hike and stays on the established trails to lessen the impacts on fragile cultural sites.
5. When you arrive at the park an employee will give your class a brief orientation.
Please check in with staff at the visitor center, and we will make arrangements to speak to your class in the theater (capacity 40), outside, on your bus, or at another location.
6. You may apply for an educational fee waiver.
Entrance fees can be waived for school groups if the class is from a recognized school, the visit is part of class course work specifically related to Chaco, the class is under good supervision, and your fee waiver is submitted at least two weeks before your visit. Please follow the instructions for completing the fee waiver and providing the necessary information.