
Sketch of Booker T. Washington's Birthplace Cabin



General Management Plan

The General Management Plan for the Booker T. Washington National Monument provides clear guidance for the management of the park over the next twenty years.

The plan is divided into eight files. You may view or download the General Management Plan by selecting the below links.


Government Performance and Results Act

The Government Performance and Results Act is one of the most recent and comprehensive of a number of laws and executive orders directing federal agencies to join the "performance management revolution" already embraced by private industry and many local, state, and national governments. Performance management ensures that daily actions and expenditure of resources are guided by long- and short-term goal setting in pursuit of accomplishing an organization's primary mission, followed by performance measurement and evaluation. Importantly, the Government Performance and Results Act mandates that long-term and annual goals be results or outcomes rather than outputs (activities, products, or services) and that they be "objective, quantifiable, and measurable" so that performance can be adequately measured and reported, and progress on mission accomplishment assessed.

The Government Performance and Results Act requires federal agencies to develop, use and publish the following primary documents.


Closure to Unmanned Aircraft

Effective Date: 08-12-14
Launching, landing, or operating an unmanned aircraft from or on lands and waters administered by the National Park Service within the boundaries of Booker T. Washington National Monument is prohibited except as approved in writing by the superintendent. The term “unmanned aircraft” means a device that is used for flight in the air without the possibility of direct human intervention from within the device, and the associated operational elements and components that are required for the pilot or system operator in command to operate or control the device (such as cameras, sensors, communication links).

This term includes all types of devices that meet this definition (e.g., model airplanes, quadcopters, drones) that are used for any purpose, including for recreation of commerce. Booker T. Washington National Monument preserves and protects the birth site and childhood home of Booker T. Washington while interpreting his life experiences and significance in American history as the most powerful African American between 1895 and 1915. The park provides a resource for public education and a focal point for continuing discussions about the legacies of Booker T. Washington and the evolving context of race in American society.

Pursuant to 36 CFR 1.5(c), closure of Booker T. Washington National Monument to unmanned aircraft is necessary to avoid conflict with the purposes for which the park was established, to maintain public health and safety, for protection of the scenic values of the monument, as well as the protection of its natural and cultural resources. Specifically, this action is being taken to ensure that unreasonable noise and unacceptable impacts to the viewshed, facilities contained within, and visitor experience are abated.

This interim measure is being implemented until the National Park service can determine whether specific uses of unmanned aircraft on lands and waters administered by the National Park Service are appropriate and will not cause unacceptable impacts on park resources and values.


Last updated: May 13, 2024

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Contact Info

Mailing Address:

12130 Booker T. Washington Highway
Hardy, VA 24101


540 682-0173

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