
Your interest in supporting Booker T. Washington National Monument is deeply appreciated. The site has always relied upon the generosity of individuals, families, organizations, foundations, corporations and small businesses. If you choose to make a gift to the site it will be used to support preservation and programming or may be directed to a specific purpose such as acquisitions. We rely heavily on the generosity and kindness of our visitors, and we thank you for your past support and look forward to future public spiritedness.

The park is able to accept direct donations. If you are interested in donating, you may contact the park at 540-721-2094 or you may make a contribution in the donation box located in the visitor center. Please make checks out to the National Park Service. For security and other reasons, you cannot make online contributions directly to the park, or the National Park Service.

Donations may be mailed to:

Booker T. Washington National Monument
12130 Booker T. Washington Highway
Hardy, VA 24101

Last updated: February 26, 2015

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Contact Info

Mailing Address:

12130 Booker T. Washington Highway
Hardy, VA 24101


540 682-0173

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