When spending the day in the sun it is important to protect yourself from sunburn, dehydration, heat exhaustion, and heat stroke.
Wear high protection sunscreen on all exposed skin and reapply every 3 hours.
Stay hydrated and keep your body cool.
It is important to drink plenty of water and wear sun protection.
NPS photo/Dave Bieri
Dehydration occurs when the amount of water leaving the body is greater than the amount coming in.
Dry mouth
Sweating may stop
Muscle cramps
Nausea and vomiting
Prevention and treatment:
Keep your body hydrated by drinking plenty of water.
Keep rehydrating.
It is important to hydrate before hitting the trail, as well as keeping hydrated throughout the day.
Drink enough to produce light yellow or almost clear urine throughout the day.
Heat exhaustion
Heat exhaustion occurs due to water and electrolyte loss due to sweating.
Heavy sweating
Pale, clammy skin
Nausea and vomiting
Weakness, dizziness, and fainting
Muscle cramps and aches
Rapid Pulse
Pale skin
Low blood pressure
Avoid becoming dehydrated and avoid vigorous physical activities in hot and humid weather.
Keep rehydrating your body.
Wear light colored, lightweight, and loose clothing.
Avoid alcohol and caffeine when exercising in the heat
Cool victim down and have them rest in the shade
Drink plenty of water or electrolyte drink
Monitor victims temperature
If vomiting occurs, seek immediate medical assistance
Heat Stroke
Heat stroke is a true medical emergency that can be fatal if not properly and promptly treated. It occurs when undertaking heavy exertion in hot weather.
High body temperature
Rapid pulse
Not sweating with hot red or flushed dry skin
Difficulty breathing
Strange behavior; decreased mental status, confusion, or disorientation
Convulsions or seizure
Sudden collapse
Avoid becoming dehydrated and avoid vigorous physical activities in hot and humid weather.
Keep rehydrating your body.
Wear light colored, lightweight, and loose clothing.
Avoid alcohol and caffeine when exercising in the heat
Contact emergency services
Move victim to a shady place and cool down by bathing or sponging with cool water
Apply cool water and place icepacks on the neck, abdomen, armpits, and groin