Serpentine Hot Springs: An Overview
Serpentine Hot Springs is a treasure that has been utilized for millennia and continues to see traditional and modern uses. Geology of Serpentine Hot Springs
The Serpentine Hot Springs area consists of two thermal areas: Serpentine Hot Springs and Arctic Hot Springs. Planes, Boats, and Snowmobiles
Serpentine Hot Springs can be accessed by foot, small airplane, boat, or snowmobile. Flying into Serpentine Hot Springs
Physical conditions of the airstrip, weather, and communication abilities should be considered before your flight. Facilities and Amenities
The Serpentine bunkhouse, bathhouse, and outhouse provide a unique way to experience a remote landscape. Here's what you can expect. Multimedia Feature Planning a visit to Serpentine? Just wondering what it's really like? Check out a short film on the hot springs to learn more and virtually experience Serpentine, get a glimpse inside the bunkhouse, and see the spectacular granite tors. |
Last updated: October 12, 2023