Current Fire Information

Map of wildland fires in and around Bering Land Bridge National Preserve
July 27 map of wildland fires in and around Bering Land Bridge National Preserve

Lightning has ignited two wildfires at Bering Land Bridge National Preserve.

The lightning-ignited Tallowpot Fire started on July 19, 2015.The fire was located near the mouth of Placer Creek. The fire had grown to approximately 1 acre and was extinguished naturally (ie. declared out) at the time of discovery.

The lightning-ignited Cape Espenberg Fire was discovered on June 23, 2015 on Kikiktagruk Inupiat Corporation tribal lands.The fire grew to approximately 1,593.6 acres, and burned onto Bering Land Bridge National Preserve administered lands.It was located in a limited management area and placed into monitor status. As of June 2, no smoke was showing.

uniformed ranger and firefighter in black t shirt look at a map together
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NPS Photo / Yasunori Matsui

Wildland Fire Management in the Park

Fire managers work hard to balance the risks and benefits of fire in the park.

Last updated: August 12, 2015

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