
Winter Holidays on the Lewis and Clark Expedition December 1805 - January 1806

fort clatsop
This was the third Christmas being celebrated during the expedition, and it took place in Fort Clatsop near the mouth of the Columbia River in Oregon. Captain William Clark wrote in his journal: “This morning at day we were Saluted by all our party under our winders, a Shout and a Song— after brackfast we divided our tobacco which amounted to 2 Carrots, one half we gave to the party who used Tobaco those who did not we gave a Handkerchief as a present”. Some showers then moved the celebrations into their huts that were set up at camp. From there, gifts were exchanged and a mostly spoiled Christmas dinner was eaten.

The New Year began similarly to the previous one with shots fired to ring it all in. Captain Meriwether Lewis noted in his journal: “This morning I was awoke at an early hour by the discharge of a volley of small arms, which were fired by our party in front of our quarters to usher in the new year”. Shortly after the morning celebration, however, the captains had to get back to work.

As the years progressed, so did the celebrations. As the Corps of Discovery became more of a family, the celebrations went from just another day to gift exchanges and dancing.

Lewis & Clark National Historic Trail

Last updated: December 27, 2019