
Who Was Oliver Hazard Perry?

Man in 1812 officers uniform stands near the stern of a row boat as 6 sailors row him and one mans the tiller. Smoke from cannon fire and debris and men in the water.
Commodore Perry was born in Rhode Island in 1785. At the age of thirteen he followed in his father’s footsteps by joining the US Navy. Through hard work and strength of character Perry was able to gain a position in the navy as the leader of a fleet of American ships. In 1812 war broke out across America between the US and United Kingdom. Perry helped the US end the War of 1812 by beating the Royal Navy in the Battle of Lake Erie. During this battle, Perry’s quick-thinking helped him to lead the United States to one of its first and greatest naval victories. This park memorializes his leadership and bravery under pressure.
Activity sheet has instructions, 3 questions with blanks to answer. Number under certain letters of the answer go to reveal secret message. Image of 1812 US Marine firing musket and of sailing vessel firing several carronades in battle.
To learn more about Perry watch the movie “The Battle of Lake Erie.” Listen closely and see if you can answer the questions on this activity sheet. If you need help you can find answers on our website.

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Perry's Victory & International Peace Memorial

Last updated: April 9, 2020