
Wetland Restoration at Sieur de Monts

a wetland with large tree on right
An example of forested wetlands in Acadia. NPS Photo.

In late April through May 2019, Friends of Acadia and Atlantic Resource Co, LLC are assisting Acadia National Park with restoration of the site of a former septic system to a natural forested wetland near the restrooms in the Sieur de Monts parking lot area. There may be intermittent reduced parking capacity and delays in traffic. Please be on the lookout for construction workers and construction equipment.

The restroom facilities had been connected to a mounded septic system from the 1980’s until 2015, when a sewer line connected to the Town of Bar Harbor wastewater treatment plant. Excess nutrients from the septic system were found to have contributed to the growth of algae in the Spring House and Spring Pool. The current project will improve the ecological integrity of the Great Meadow wetland complex and help to protect Sieur de Monts Spring.

Specific activities will include:

  • reducing the amount of disturbance tolerant species like Cattail

  • regrading the land to mimic the topography of the adjacent area

  • and planting native wetland species including Red Maple, Yellow Birch, Common Winterberry, Highbush Blueberry, Mountain Holly, among others.

Over the next several years, the park and Friends of Acadia will control for invasive exotic plant species, and monitor the establishment of native species.

Acadia National Park

Last updated: August 11, 2020