

YCC 2017 1st Tour of the Park
2017 YCC Team

Photo by Alanna Smith

Week One
Our summer Youth Conservation Corps program has begun! Six youth and two crew leaders have been selected and are working summer jobs in the park for the next eight weeks. They will be tackling various projects, while getting an inside look at how the park carries out the NPS mission to preserve and protect.
The first week was spent learning about the park meeting park employees and jumping right into their first big project.

YCC repairing Francis Walkway
YCC Repairing Francis Bay Boardwalk

YCC Photo

The crew spent the last three days of their first week working hard with the Maintenance division to replace 240 boards on the Francis Bay boardwalk trail! This boardwalk was badly in need of repair and their efforts are greatly appreciated!

During the week, the crew has enjoyed coming up with riddles to stump each other while working. Here's a favorite from this week! Can you figure out the answer?
"I have a bed but do not sleep.
I have a mouth but do not eat.
I run but never walk. What am I?"

Virgin Islands National Park

Last updated: July 6, 2017