
The Mission Continues at Florissant Fossil Beds

Members of the Colorado Springs and Denver Platoons of The Mission Continue with the Florissant valley in the background.
Members of the Colorado Springs and Denver platoons of The Mission Continues at Florissant Fossil Beds National Monument with park staff.

The Mission Continues

In 2018, The Mission Continues (Colorado Springs and Denver Platoons) volunteered with the National Park Service at Florissant Fossil Beds National Monument in Colorado in partnership with the National Park Foundation. They helped with non-native plant eradication and maintenance. Additionally, the group helped with seed collection and seed cleaning to help with current and future restoration efforts in the park.
The Mission Continues empowers veterans who are adjusting to life at home to find purpose through community impact. The group deploys veterans on new missions in their communities, so that their actions will inspire future generations to serve.

Last updated: October 16, 2018