
SW CA Condor Update - 2014-03 (March)

Condor Enthusiasts,

Here you may download the updated condor tag chart & tables. Condor Chart 3-19-2014 (211 kb PDF)

In addition to this:

Three birds are still awaiting release from the Vermilion Cliffs pen including condors 641, 657, and 669.

Three deaths occurred and were confirmed over the winter months:
  • 299: ten-year-old male; died on 12/30/2014 in Zion NP; cause of death still being determined
  • 287: eleven-year-old male, died on 2/6/2014 of lead poisoning.
  • 257: twelve-year-old male; died on 2/5/2014 of lead poisoning.
The trapping and treatment period during the 2013-14 lead season resulted in most birds being trapped of which, 13 were treated for lead poisoning. Seven birds were not trapped, four of which have gone missing and are presumed dead including condors 350, 158, 720, and 392. The news of male condor 350 is especially sad for Grand Canyon National Park. Condor 350 was the second wild-fledged chick in the park and the third in AZ/UT since reintroduction in 1996. 350 hatched in 2004 in a cave on the Battleship formation, Grand Canyon National Park.

Breeding status update:

Three out of the four 2013 chicks successfully fledged last fall including condors 719, 722, and 723. Based on sightings and behavior of their parents, all 3 of these chicks are doing well. The forth chick, 720 is missing and presumed dead as its father, condor 158.

Condors 296 and 266 started to incubate an egg around mid-February near the Vermilion Cliffs.

Condor 389 and 293 attempted to nest, but the nest has failed.

Current population numbers from the US Fish and Wildlife Service as of
January 31, 2014:

World Total: 410
  • Wild Population: 232
    • AZ/UT Population: 75
    • California Population: 128
    • Baja California/Mexico Population: 29
  • Captive Population: 178
Janice Stroud-Settles
Wildlife Biologist
Division of Science and Resource Management
Grand Canyon National Park

Glen Canyon National Recreation Area, Grand Canyon National Park, Pinnacles National Park, Zion National Park

Last updated: March 2, 2020