Last updated: June 29, 2018
Spring 2018 Early Detection Newsletter Available
June 2018 - A new edition of Early Detection News, covering the beginning of the 2018 field season, is now available. Brought to you by the Invasive Species Early Detection (ISED) Program, this newsletter has the latest on invasive plants in the Bay Area. April-June 2018 surveys were conducted in Point Reyes National Seashore and Pinnacles National Park. Highlights in this issue include:
- Numerous patches of rosy sand crocus detected growing in trails and grasslands at Tomales Point, Laird’s Landing, and Bull Point in Point Reyes;
- Large population of barbed goatgrass removed at the Bear Valley parking lot in Point Reyes;
- Ongoing surveillance, mapping, and eradication efforts for Japanese knotweed in Lagunitas Creek with Exotic Plant Management Team;
- New patch of malfurada discovered growing on the bank of Lagunitas Creek near Tocaloma; and
- New patch of medusahead grass discovered during surveys at Pinnacles.