Last updated: December 14, 2023
Scott Gende - Natural Resources Team Lead
Scott Gende
Natural Resources Team Lead
Alaska Region
Glacier Bay National Park and Preserve
3100 National Park Road
Juneau, AK 99801
907-364- 2622
Ph.D. 2002 University of Washington (Seattle), School of Aquatic and Fishery SciencesMS 1996 University of Alaska School of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences
BA 1988 Iowa State University, Fish and Wildlife Biology
Womble, J. N., J. M. Ver Hoef, S. M. Gende, and E. A. Mathews. 2020. Photo Gallery: Calibrating and adjusting counts of harbor seals in a tidewater glacier fjord to estimate abundance and trends from 1992-2017. Ecological Society of America Bulletin 101(3): e01716.
Womble, J. N., J. M. Ver Hoef, S. M. Gende, and E. A. Mathews. 2020. Calibrating and adjusting counts of harbor seals in a tidewater glacier fjord to estimate abundance and trends from 1992-2017. Ecosphere 11(4): e03111.
Gende, S. M., L. Vose, J. Baken, C. M. Gabriele, R. Preston, and A. N. Hendrix. 2019. Active whale avoidance by large ships: Components and constraints of a complementary approach to reducing ship strike risk. Frontiers in Marine Science
Gende, S., A. N. Hendrix, and J. Schmidt. 2018. Somewhere between acceptable and sustainable: When do impacts to resources become too large in protected areas? Biological Conservation 223:138-146.
Marcella, T.K., Gende, S.M., Roby, D.D., and A. Allignol. 2017. Disturbance of a rare seabird by ship-based tourism in a Marine Protected Area. PLOS One 12(5): e0176176.
Sigler, M.F., Gende, S.M., and D.J. Csepp. 2017. Association of foraging Steller sea lions with persistent prey hot spots in southeast Alaska. Marine Ecology Progress Series 571: 233-234.
Gende, S.M., Blomvik, K., and P. Hooge. 2016. The green dream: balancing economic development with conservation of universally outstanding places. Pages 67-85 in World Heritage Papers 45: The Future of the World Heritage Convention for Marine Conservation. ISBN: 978-92-3-100194-9.
Williams, S. H., Gende, S.M., Lukacs, P.M., and K. Webb. 2016. Factors affecting whale detection from large ships in Alaska with implications for whale avoidance. Endangered Species Research 30: 209-223.
Kissling, M., Lewis, S.B., Lukacs, P.M., Waite, J., and S.M. Gende. 2016. Breeding decisions of the Kittlitz’s murrelets, Brachyamphus brevirostris, Icy Bay, Alaska. Marine Ornithology 44: 171-182.
Mölders, N., Gende, S. 2015. Impacts of cruise-ship entry quotas on visibility and air quality in Glacier Bay. J. Environ. Protection. 6: 1236-1256
Mölders, N., Khordakova, D., Gende, S.M., and G. Kramm. 2015. Uncertainty of wind power usage in complex terrain – a case study. Atmospheric and Climate Sciences 5: 228-244.
Mölders, N., and S.M. Gende. 2015. Anticipated inversion and visibility conditions over Glacier Bay with a changing climate. Journal of Environmental Protection 6: 515-537.
Webb, K., and S.M. Gende. 2015. Activity patterns and speeds of large cruise ships in Southeast Alaska. Coastal Management 43: 67-83.
Kissling, M., Gende, S.M., Lewis, S.B., and P.M. Lukacs. 2015. Reproductive performance of a cryptic and dispersed-nesting seabird, the Kittlitz's Murrelet. The Condor: Ornithological Applications 117: 237-248.
Kissling, M., Lukacs, P.M., Gende, S.M., Lewis, S.B. 2015. Multi-state mark-recapture model to estimate survival of a dispersed-nesting seabird, the Kittlitz’s Murrelet. J. Wildlife Management 79: 20-30.
Pirhalla, M., Gende, S.M., and N. Mölders. 2014. Fate of particulate matter from cruise-ship emissions in Glacier Bay during the 2008 tourist season. Journal of Environmental Protection 5: 1235-1254.
Mölders, N., Bruyère, C.L., Gende, S.M., and M. Pirhalla. 2014. Assessment of the 2006-2012 climatological fields and mesoscale features from regional downscaling of CESM data by WRF-Chem over Southeast Alaska. Atmospheric and Climate Sciences 4: 589-613.
Young, C., Gende, S.M., and J.T. Harvey. 2014. Effects of vessels on harbor seals in Glacier Bay National Park. Tourism in Marine Environments 10: 5-20.
Berger, J., Cain, S., Cheng, E., Dratch, P., Ellison, K., Francis, J., Frost, H.C., Gende, S.M., Groves, C., Karesh, W.A., Leslie, E., Machlis, G., Medellin, R., Noss, R., Redford, K.H., Soukup, M., Wilcove, D., and S. Zack. 2014. Optimism and challenge for Science-based conservation of migratory species in and out of U.S. national parks. Conservation Biology 28: 4-12.
Womble, J.N., Blundell, G.M., Gende, S.M., Horning, M., Sigler, M.F., and D.J. Csepp. 2014. Linking marine predator diving behavior to local prey fields in contrasting habitats in a subarctic glacial fjord. Marine Biology 161: 1361-1374.
Mölders,N., Gende, S., and M. Pirhalla. 2013. Assessement of cruise-ship activity influences on emissions, air quality, and visibility in Glacier Bay National Park. Atmosperhic Pollution Research 4: 435-445.
Womble, J.N., and S.M. Gende. 2013. Post-breeding season migration patterns of a top predator, the harbor seal (Phoca vitulina richardii), from a marine protected area in Alaska. PLoS ONE 8, e55386: 1-15.
Hueffer, K., Gende, S.M., and T.M. O’Hara. 2013. Assay dependence of Brucella antibody prevalence in a declining Alaskan harbor seal (Phoca vitulina) population. Acta Veterinaria Scandinavica 55: 1:5.
Hendrix, A.N., Straley, J., Gabriele, C., and S.M. Gende. 2012. Bayesian estimation of humpback whale population abundance and movement patterns in southeast Alaska. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 69: 1783-1797.
Harris, K., Gende, S.M., Logsdon, M.G., and T. Klinger. 2012. Spatial pattern analysis of cruise ship-humpback whale interactions in and near Glacier Bay National Park, Alaska. Environmental Management 49: 44-54.
Hueffer, K., Holcomb, D., Ballweber, L.R., Gende, S.M., Blundell, G., and T.M. O’Hara. 2011. Serological surveillance of multiple pathogens in a declining harbor seal population in Glacier bay National Park and a reference site. Journal of Wildlife Disease 47: 984-988.
Blundell, G., Womble, J.N., Pendleton, G.W., Karpovich, S.A., Gende, S.M., and J.K. Herreman. 2011. Use of glacial and terrestrial habitats by harbor seals in Glacier Bay, Alaska: why haul out on ice? Marine Ecology Progress Series 429: 277-290.
Gende, S.M., Hendrix, N., Harris, K., Eichenlaub, B., Neilsen, J., and S. Pyare. 2011. A Bayesian approach for understanding the role of ship speed in whale-ship encounters. Ecological Applications 21: 2232-2240.
Kissling, M.K., Lukacs, P., Lewis, S.B., Gende, S.M., Kuletz, K, Hatch, N.R., Schoen, S., and S. Oehlers. 2011. Abundance and distribution of Kittlitz’s murrelets in southeastern Alaska. Marine Ornithology 39: 3-11.
Allen, S., E. Brown, K. Faulkner, S. Gende and J. Womble. 2011. Conserving pinnipeds in Pacific Ocean parks in response to climate change. Park Science 28(2):48-52.
Womble, J.N, Pendleton, G.W., Mathews, E.A., Blundell, G.M., Bool, N.M., and S.M. Gende. 2010. Harbor seal (Phoca vitulina richardii) decline continues in the rapidly changing landscape of Glacier Bay National Park, Alaska 1992-2008. Marine Mammal Science 26: 686-697.
Lukacs, P.M., Kissling, M.L., Reid, M., Gende, S.M., and S.B. Lewis. 2010. Testing assumptions of distance sampling on a pelagic seabird. Condor 112: 455-459.
Whitely, A.R., Gende, S.M., Gharrett, A.J., and D.A. Tallmon. 2009. Background matching and color-change plasticity in colonizing freshwater sculpin populations following rapid deglaciation. Evolution 63: 1519-1529.
Gende, S.M. 2009. Understanding how cruise ships affect resources and visitor experiences in Glacier Bay National Park. Alaska Park Science 7: 22-27.
Quinn, T.P., Carlson, S.M., Gende, S.M., H.B. Rich. 2009. Transportation of Pacific salmon carcasses from streams to riparian forests by bears. Canadian Journal of Zoology 87: 195-203.
Kissling, M.K., Gende, S.M., Reid, M., and P. Lukacs. 2007. Understanding abundance patterns of a declining seabird: implications for monitoring. Ecological Applications 17: 2164-2174.
Gende, S.M., Miller, A.E., and E. Hood. 2007. The effects of salmon carcasses on soil nitrogen pools in a riparian forest of southeastern Alaska. Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 37: 1194-1202.
Womble, J.N., S.M. Gende, and G. Blundell. 2007. Dive behavior of a harbor seal (Phoca vitulina richardii) during a predation attempt by transient killer whales (Orcinus orca) in Glacier Bay National Park, Alaska. Marine Mammal Science 23: 203-208.
Piatt, J., and S.M. Gende (editors). 2007. Proceedings of the Fourth Glacier Bay Science Symposium, 2004. U.S. Geological Survey, Scientific Investigations Report Series. 246pp.
Gende, S.M., and M. F. Sigler. 2006. Persistence of forage fish ‘hot spots’ and its association with foraging Steller sea lions. Deep Sea Research II 53: 432-441.
Gende, S.M. and T. P. Quinn. 2006. The fish and the forest. Scientific American. August 2006.
Gende, S.M. and M. Sigler. 2006. Predictability of prey available to Steller sea lions in southeast Alaska. Proceedings of the Wakefield Symposium: Sea lions of the World. Pp 69-81.
Schoen, J., and S.M. Gende. 2006. Brown Bears in Southeast Alaska. Tongass National Forest Conservation Priorities. Audubon Society Report. 231pp.
Smith, W. P., Gende, S.M., and J. Nichols. 2005. The northern flying squirrel as a management indicator species of temperate rainforest: test of a hypothesis. Ecological Applications 15: 689-700.
Hanley, T.A., Smith, W. P., and S.M. Gende. 2005. Maintaining wildlife habitat in southeastern Alaska: implications of new knowledge for forest management and research. Landscape and Urban Planning 72: 113-133.
Smith, W.P., Gende, S.M., and J. Nichols. 2005. Correlates of microhabitat use and density of Clethrionomys gapperi and Peromyscus keeni in temperate rainforest of Southeast Alaska. Acta Zoologica Sinica 51: 973-988.
Gende, S.M., Quinn, T. P., Willson, M. F., Hendry, A. P., and Dickerson, B. 2004. Brown bears selectively kill salmon with higher energy content but only in habitats that facilitate choice. Oikos 104: 518-528.
Gende, S.M. and T. P. Quinn. 2004. The relative importance of prey density and social dominance in determining intake rates of bears feeding on salmon. Canadian Journal of Zoology 82: 75-85.
Gende, S.M., Quinn, T. P., Willson, M. F., Heintz, R., and T. M. Scott. 2004. Magnitude and fate of salmon-derived N, P, and energy in a coastal stream ecosystem of southeastern Alaska. Journal of Freshwater Ecology 19: 149-160.
Smith, W. P., Gende, S.M., and J. Nichols. 2004. Ecological correlates of microhabitat use and density by flying squirrels in temperate rainforests of southeast Alaska. Journal of Mammalogy 85: 663-674.
Willson, M. F., Gende, S.M., and P. A. Bisson. 2004. Anadromous fishes as ecological links between oceans, fresh water, and land. Pp. 284-300. In G. Polis, M. Power, and G. Huxel (eds.), Foodwebs at the landscape level. University of Chicago Press, Chicago, IL.
Willson, M.F., and S.M. Gende. 2004. Seed dispersal by brown bears, Ursus arctos, in southeastern Alaska. Canadian Field-Naturalist 118: 499-504.
Schindler, D.E., Mark D. Scheuerell, Moore, J. W., Gende, S.M., Francis, T. B., and W. J. Palen. 2003. Pacific salmon and the ecology of coastal ecosystems. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 1: 31-37.
Quinn, T. P, Gende, S.M., G. T. Ruggerone, and D. E. Rogers. 2003. Density dependent predation by brown bears (Ursus arctos) on sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka). Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Science 60: 553-562.
Gende, S.M., and T. P. Quinn. Fin Tuning. Natural History, April, 2003.
Ashley, M. V., Willson, M. F., Pergams, O. R. W., O’Dowd, D. J., Gende, S.M., and J. S. Brown. 2003. Evolutionarily Enlightened Management. 111: 115-123.
Marston, B. H., Willson, M. F., and S.M. Gende. 2002. Predator aggregations during eulachon Thaleichthys pacificus spawning runs. Marine Ecology Progress Series 231: 229-236.
Gende, S.M., Edwards, R. T., Willson, M. F., and M. Wipfli. 2002 Pacific salmon in aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems. BioScience 52: 917-928.
Gende, S.M. and M. F. Willson. 2001. Passerine densities in riparian forests of southeast Alaska: potential role of anadromous salmon. Condor 103: 624-629.
Gende, S.M., T. P. Quinn, and M. F. Willson. 2001. Consumption choice by bears feeding on salmon. Oecologia 127: 372-382
Gende, S.M., J. N. Womble, M. F. Willson, and B. H. Marston. 2001. Cooperative foraging by Steller sea lions. Canadian Field-Naturalist 115: 355-356.
Willson, M. F. and S.M. Gende. 2000. Nesting success of forest birds in southeast Alaska and adjacent Canada. Condor 102: 314-325.
Willson, M. F., S.M. Gende, and B. H. Marston. 1998. Fishes and the forest: Expanding perspectives on fish-wildlife interactions. BioScience 48: 455-462.
Gende, S.M., M. F. Willson, and M. Jacobson. 1997. Reproductive success of bald eagles (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) and its association with habitat or landscape features and weather in southeast Alaska. Canadian Journal of Zoology 75: 1595-1604.
Gende, S.M. and M. F. Willson. 1997. Supplemental feeding experiments of nesting bald eagles in southeast Alaska. Journal of Field Ornithology 68: 590-601.
Gende, S.M., M. F. Willson, B. H. Marston, M. Jacobson, and W. P. Smith. 1998. Bald eagle nesting density and success in relation to distance from clearcut logging in southeast Alaska. Biological Conservation 83: 121-126.
Willson, M. F., S.M. Gende, and B. H. Marston. 1997. Wildlife habitat models and land management plans: Lessons from the bald eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) on the Tongass National Forest. Natural Areas Journal 17: 26-29.