Last updated: September 29, 2017
A Productive Western Snowy Plover Breeding Season Comes to a Close
27 of the 46 nests were exclosed from predators, and 19 of these exclosed nests hatched at least one egg (70.4% success). The most common cause of nest failure was predation (by Common Ravens and skunks) and a few nests were abandoned for unknown reasons. 56 chicks hatched from the 22 successful nests, of which 23 (41%) fledged (i.e., survived to 28 days after hatch and can survive independently of dad). Comparatively, 20 out of 48 chicks survived to fledge in 2016 (43.5% fledge rate).
This is only the second year since 1995 where plovers have nested between North Beach and South Beach. Additionally, this is the third year in a row where plovers nested on Limantour Beach after a 14-year absence. This also marked the first time they nested on the beach between the Limantour parking lots, which prompted a partial beach closure. Contact Matt Lau for additional details.