
Paul Burger - Regional Hydrologist

Paul Burger
Paul Burger, hydrologist, collects bathymetry data in an Arctic lagoon.
Paul Burger
Regional Hydrologist
240 W 5th Avenue
Anchorage, AK 99501
(907) 644-577

M.E. 1999 Geological Engineering, Colorado School of Mines
B.S. 1991 Geological Engineering with emphasis on Hydrology and Engineering Geology

Skills and Interest Areas
Groundwater, surface water, wetlands, floodplains, hydrologic hazards, geologic hazards and engineering, braided streamflow measurement, cave and karst geology and hydrology, bats and bat habitat, publication management, education and outreach

Professional Experience
2010-present Regional Hydrologist, National Park Service-Alaska
2012 (detail) Natural Resources Program Manager, Klondike Gold Rush National Historical Park, National Park Service
1999-2010 Hydrologist, Carlsbad Caverns National Park, National Park Service
2008-2010 Adjunct Professor, Geology, New Mexico State University, Carlsbad
1996-1998 Hydrologist, US Geological Survey
1994-1995 Hydrologist, Foothill Engineering Consultants
1992-1994 Civil Engineer, US Bureau of Reclamation
1991-1992 Student Trainee, Engineering, US Bureau of Reclamation

Professional Activities
Associate Editor, Journal of Cave and Karst Studies (2008-present)
Section Chair, Geology and Geography Section, National Speleological Society (2006-2015)


Burger, Paul A. 2011. Colorado Caves and Karst VI: The Caves and Karst of the Lime Creek Tellurium Park Area. 52p.

Burger, Paul A. 2007. Walking Guide to the Geology of Carlsbad Cavern. Carlsbad Cavern and Guadalupe Mountains Association, Carlsbad, New Mexico.

Burger, Paul A. 2006. Cave Exploring: The Definitive Guide to Caving Techniques, Safety, and Trip Leadership. Falcon Guides – Globe Pequot Press: Guilford, Connecticut.

Reames, Stephen, Lawrence Fish, Paul Burger, Patricia Kambesis. 1999. Deep Secrets: The Discovery and Exploration of Lechuguilla Cave. Cave Books: Dayton, Ohio.

Book Chapters
Burger, Paul A. 2007. Glacially-influenced Sediment Cycles in the Lime Creek Karst, Eagle County, Colorado., in Sasowski, I.D. and Mylroie, J. Studies of Cave Sediments: Physical and Chemical Records of Paleoclimate. Klewer Academic, New York. Pages 107-122.

Papers and Abstracts
Betchkal, D., P. Burger, and C. Gabriele. 2021. Making sound decisions using bioacoustics in Alaska’s national parks. Alaska Park Science 20(1): 66-73.

Burger, P., C. Hults, A. Kirby, and S. Coykendall. 2020. Eldorado: Treasure, Tragedy, and Triumph in the Kantishna Hills. Alaska Park Science 19(1): 86-91.

Burger, P. In Review. The Influence of Syndepositional Faulting and Breccia Zones on Hypogene Cave Development and Morphology in the Guadalupe Mountains, New Mexico.

Jones, T. and P. Burger. In Prep. Asymmetric tidal duration distortions and directional flow implications in two connected lagoon basins in Northwestern Alaska.

Jones, T. and P. Burger. 2014. Water mass budgets in an Arctic lagoon complex, Ikpek, Alaska. Alaska Marine Science Symposium.

Burger, Paul A. 2009. Structural and Facies Control of Hypogenic Karst Development in the Guadalupe Mountains, New Mexico. NCKRI Special Symposium 1. Pages 60-70.

Burger, Paul A. 2008. Fault-Controlled Hydrology of the Lime Creek/Tellurium Park Alpine Karst Area, Eagle County, Colorado. In Proceedings, 2008 Speleo-Seminar, Colorado Springs, Colorado. Page 6.

Land, L. & Burger, P., 2008, “Rapid recharge events in a karstic aquifer: An example from Lake of the White Roses, Lechuguilla Cave, NM”, in Proceedings of the Eleventh Multidisciplinary Conference on Sinkholes and the Engineering and Environmental Impacts of Karst, Tallahassee, Florida: ASCE Geotechnical Special Publication no. 183, p. 396-403.

Burger, Paul A. 2006. Managing Multidisciplinary Cave and Karst Research at Carlsbad Caverns National Park. Journal of Cave and Karst Studies. Volume 68, Number 3. Page 167.

Boston, Penny J., Setsuko Shindo, Paul A. Burger, Jim L. Wilson. 2006. Physics-Based Micrometerologial Modeling of Idealized Caves: Prediction and Applications to Carlsbad Caverns, NM, USA. Journal of Cave and Karst Studies. Volume 67, Number 3. Page 189.

Burger, Paul A. 2006. Slow Down: Improving Caver Ethics. Cave Conservation and Restoration. National Speleological Society. Huntsville, Alabama. Pages 257-258.

Burger, Paul A. and Pate, Dale L. 2001. Using Science to Change Management Perspectives at Carlsbad Caverns National Park, in US Geological Survey Karst Interest Group Proceedings, St. Petersburg, Florida. USGS Water Resources Investigations Report 01-4011. Pages 47-51.

Higgins, J.D., Burger, P.A., Yang, I.C., 1997. The one-dimensional compression method for extraction of pore water from unsaturated tuff and effects on pore-water chemistry, US Geological Survey Water Resources Investigations Report 96-4281.

Last updated: October 23, 2021