Last updated: June 15, 2020
Pam Mault Found Her Dream Job In America's Natural Wonders

What is your name and job title? Pamela Mault, Contracting Officer for the Denver Service Center Contracting Division.
What experience and education do you have? In July of this year, I will celebrate 20 years as a civil servant working as a contract specialist, and this past October, I celebrated 10 years with the National Park Service. I am a veteran of the U.S. Air Force and I’ve also worked for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. I hold a Master of Business Administration from the University of Indiana and a Level III Contracting Certification, $100M Warrant.
What is a typical day like? A carousel of visits from project managers to discuss differing site conditions, challenges with contractors, new requirements, maintenance of existing contracts, requests for equitable adjustments and so on. There is never a dull moment and always a new challenge where the issues need to be deliberated and decisions need to be made.
What career advice would you give to someone who wants to follow a similar path? I would advise focusing on your agency or companies mission as a whole with the work you do. For example, working for the National Park Service and helping preserve and protect our natural and cultural resources is an honor. When performing my job responsibilities, I focus on what is best for the government as my guide in the decision making process and carrying out my actions as a contracting officer.
What is one of the bigger projects you are working on and what about that project might surprise people? Once we get the Conococheague Aqueduct completed, it will be the only place in the United States where you can go through a lock and over an aqueduct.
Anything else you'd like to add? I have personally visited more than 100 different parks and I consider this my dream job.