Last updated: January 14, 2025
Jamie Womble - Wildlife Biologist

Jamie Womble, Ph.D.
Program Leader and Supervisory Biologist
Southeast Alaska Network and
Glacier Bay National Park & Preserve
3100 National Park Road
Juneau, AK 99801
(907) 364-1577
Jamie_Womble [at]
ResearchGate profile
Dare to Imagine: Jamie Womble
Ph.D. Oregon State University, Wildlife Science, 2012
M.S. University of Alaska Fairbanks, Fisheries, 2003
B.S. University of Alaska Southeast, Biology, 1998
B.S. Appalachian State University, Finance, 1992
Skills and Interest Areas
Marine Ecology, Animal movement, Population Monitoring, Foraging ecology, Resource Pulses, Marine Protected Areas
Professional Experience
2022-present Program Leader and Supervisory Biologist, National Park Service, Southeast Alaska Inventory and Monitoring Network
2019-present Biologist, National Park Service, Southeast Alaska Inventory and Monitoring Network, Glacier Bay National Park and Preserve
2006-2019 Wildlife Biologist, National Park Service, Glacier Bay Field Station, Juneau, Alaska
2017-2018 Homeward Bound, Global Leadership Initiative for Women in STEMM (2nd cohort), Antarctica
2015-present Affiliate Faculty, University of Alaska Southeast, Department of Natural Sciences, Alaska
2014-2015 Endeavour Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, Institute for Marine & Antarctic Studies, University of Tasmania, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia
2009-2012 Mamie Markham Graduate Research Fellow, Oregon State University, Hatfield Marine Science Center, Newport, Oregon
2003-2006 Research Biologist, Alaska Fisheries Science Center, Auke Bay Laboratory, Juneau, Alaska
1999-2003 Rasmuson Fisheries Graduate Research Fellow, University of Alaska Fairbanks, School of Fisheries & Ocean Sciences, Alaska
1998-1999 Biologist, Proyecto Chucao Chiloé, Estación Biológica Senda Darwin, Isla de Chiloé, Chile
1998 Biologist, Magellanic Penguin Project, University of Washington, Punta Tombo, Argentina
1996-1998 Wildlife & Fisheries Technician, USFS-Pacific Northwest Research Station, Juneau, Alaska
1996 Wildlife Technician, Glacier Bay National Park & Preserve, Gustavus, Alaska
Professional Activities
American Geophysical Union
Society for Marine Mammalogy
International Bio-Logging Society
Women in Polar Science
Peer-Reviewed Publications
Leach, C. B., B. P. Weitzman, J. L. Bodkin, D. Esler, G. G. Esslinger, K. A. Kloecker, D. H. Monson, J. N. Womble, and M. B. Hooten. 2024. The dynamics of sea otter prey selection under population growth and expansion. Ecosphere 15(12): e70084.
Hale, J.R., Womble, J.N., Tomoleoni, J.A., Esslinger, G.G., Tinker, M.T. (In press, 2024). The intersection of individual space use and landscape-level geography and their defining influence on sea otter conservation. In Larson, S., Bodkin, J.L. (eds). Sea Otter conservation. Academic Press.
Kaluzienski, L., J. Amundson, J. N. Womble, A. Bliss, and L. Pearson. 2023. Impacts of tidewater glacier advance on iceberg habitat. Annals of Glaciology pp. 1-11.
Leach, C. B., B. P. Weitzman, J. L. Bodkin, D. Esler, G. G. Esslinger, K. A. Kloecker, D. H. Monson, J. N. Womble, and M. B. Hooten. 2023. Revealing the extent of sea otter impacts on bivalve prey through multi-trophic monitoring and mechanistic models. Journal of Animal Ecology 92(6): 1230-1243.
Eisaguirre, J. M., P. J. Williams, X. Lu, M. L. Kissling, P. A. Schuette, B. P. Weitzman, W. S. Beatty, G. G. Esslinger, J. N. Womble, and M. B. Hooten. (2023, In press). Informing management of recovering predators and their prey with ecological diffusion models. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment.
Schuette, P., J. Eisaguirre, B. Weitzman, C. Power, E. Weathington, J. Cate, J. N. Womble, L. Pearson, D. Melody, C. Merriman, K. Hank, and G. Esslinger. 2023. Northern Sea Otter (Enhydra lutris kenyoni) Population Abundance and Distribution across the Southeast Alaska Stock Summer 2022. USFWS Region 7 Technical Report MMM 2023-01.
Lu, X., M. B. Hooten, A. Kaplan, J. N. Womble, and M. R. Bower. 2022. Improving wildlife population inference from aerial imagery data through entity resolution. Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Statistics.
Leach, C. B., P. J. Williams, J. M. Eisaguirre, J. N. Womble, M. R. Bower, and M. B. Hooten. 2021. Recursive Bayesian computation facilitates adaptive optimal design in ecological studies. Ecology : e03573.
Womble, J. N., P. J. Williams, R. W. McNabb, A. Prakash, R. Gens, B. S. Sedinger, and C. R. Acevedo. 2021. Harbor seals as sentinels of ice dynamics in tidewater glacier fjords. Frontiers in Marine Science.
Eisaguirre, J. M., P. J. Williams, X. Lu, M. L. Kissling, W. S. Beatty, G. G. Esslinger, J. N. Womble, and M. B. Hooten. 2021. Diffusion modeling reveals effects of multiple release sites and human activity on reinvading apex predator. Movement Ecology 9: 34.
Blanchet, M. A., C. Vincente, J. N. Womble, S. M. Steingass, and G. Desportes. 2021. Harbor seals: Population structure, status, and threats in a changing environment. Oceans 2(1): 41-63. doi:10.3390/oceans2010003
Womble, J. N., P. Martyn, and B. Schroeder. 2021. Unmanned aerial systems as a tool for natural resource applications. Alaska Park Science 20(1): 28-35.
Womble, J. N., J. M. Ver Hoef, S. M. Gende, and E. A. Mathews. 2020. Photo Gallery: Calibrating and adjusting counts of harbor seals in a tidewater glacier fjord to estimate abundance and trends from 1992-2017. Ecological Society of America Bulletin 101(3): e01716.
Womble, J. N., J. M. Ver Hoef, S. M. Gende, and E. A. Mathews. 2020. Calibrating and adjusting counts of harbor seals in a tidewater glacier fjord to estimate abundance and trends from 1992-2017. Ecosphere 11(4): e03111.
Whitlock, S.L., Womble, J.N., and Peterson, J.T. 2020. Modelling pinniped abundance and distribution by combining counts at terrestrial sites and in-water sightings. Ecological Modelling 420: 108965.
Horning, M., Andrews, R.D., Bishop, A.M., Boveng, P.L., Costa, D.P., Crocker, D.E., Haulena, M., Hindell, M., Hindle, A.G., Holser, R.R., Hooker, S.K.., Hückstädt, L.A., Johnson, S., Lea, M.-A., McDonald, B.I., McMahon, C.R., Robinson, P.W., Sattler, R.L., Shuert, C.R., Steingass, S.M., Thompson, D., Tuomi, P.A,, Williams, C.L., Womble, J.N. 2019. Best practice recommendations for the use of external telemetry devices on pinnipeds. Animal Biotelemetry 7 :1-17.
Lu, X., P. J. Williams, M. B. Hooten, J. A. Powell, J. N. Womble, and M. R. Bower. 2019. Nonlinear reaction–diffusion process models improve inference for population dynamics. Environmetrics e2604.
Williams, P. J., M. B. Hooten, G. G. Esslinger, J. N. Womble, J. L.
Womble, J. N., P. J. Williams, W. F. Johnson, L. F. Taylor-Thomas, and M. R. Bower. 2018. Sea otter monitoring protocol for Glacier Bay National Park, Alaska: Version SO-2017.1. Natural Resource Report NPS/SEAN/NRR—2018/1762. National Park Service, Fort Collins, Colorado.
Matthews, L.P., Parks, S.E., Fournet, M.E., Gabriele, C.M., Womble, J.N. and Klinck, H. 2017. Source levels and call parameters of harbor seal breeding vocalizations near a terrestrial haulout site in Glacier Bay National Park and Preserve. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 141(3), pp.EL274-EL280.
Gabriele, C.M., Ponirakis, D.W., Clark, C.W., Womble, J.N., Vanselow, P. 2018. Underwater Acoustic Ecology Metrics in an Alaska Marine Protected Area Reveal Marine Mammal Communication Masking and Management Alternatives. Frontiers in Marine Science 5:270.
Womble, J. N. (2018.) Influence of spring prey pulses on seasonal migrations of pinnipeds in and adjacent to Alaska’s National Parklands. Alaska Park Science 17: 53-57.
Rehberg, M., Jemison, L., Womble, J.N., O’Corry-Crowe, G. (2018-In press.) Winter movements and long-term dispersal of Steller sea lions in the Glacier Bay region of Southeast Alaska. Endangered Species Research
Gabriele, C.M., Ponirakis, D., Clark, C.W., Womble, J.N., Vanselow, P. (2018-In press.) Underwater acoustic ecology metrics in an Alaskan marine protected area reveal marine mammal communication masking and management alternatives. Frontiers in Marine Science 5:270.
Williams,P.J., Hooten, M.B., Womble, J.N., Esslinger, G.G., Bower, M.R. (2018). Monitoring dynamic spatio-temporal ecological processes optimally. Ecology doi:10.1002/ecy.2120
Williams, P.J., Hooten, Womble, J.N., Bower, M.R. (2017). Estimating occupancy and abundance using aerial images with imperfect detection. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 8:1679–1689.
Matthews, L.P., Parks, S.E., Fournet, M.E.H., Gabriele, C.M., Womble, J.N., Klinck, H. (2017) Source levels and call parameters of harbor seal breeding vocalizations near a terrestrial haulout site in Glacier Bay National Park & Preserve. Journal of Acoustical Society of America, Express Letters 141: EL274-EL280
Williams, P.J., Hooten, M.B., Womble, J.N., Esslinger, G.G., Bower, M.R., Hefley,T.J. (2017) An integrated data model to estimate spatio-temporal occupancy, abundance, and colonization dynamics. Ecology 98 (2): 328-336. doi.10.1002/ecy.1643
McNabb, R.W, Womble, J.N., Prakash, A., Gens, R., Haselwimmer, C.E. (2016) Quantification and analysis of icebergs as habitat for harbor seals in a tidewater glacier fjord using an object-based approach. PLoS ONE 11(11):e0164444.doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0164444
Hays GC, Ferreira LC, Sequeira A, Meekan A, Duarte CM, Bailey H, Bailleuel F, Bowen WD, Caley MJ, Costa DP, Fossette S, Friedlaender A, Gales N, Gleiss A, Gunn J, Hazen E, Heithaus M, Heupel M, Holland K, Horning M, Jonsen I, Kooyman G, Lowe CG, Madsen P, Marsh H, Phillips R, Righton D, Ropert-Codert Y, Sato K, Shaffer S, Simpfendorder CA, Sims DW, Takahasi A, Trathan PN, Wikelski M, Womble, J.N., Thums M. (2016) Key questions in marine megafauna movement ecology. Trends in Ecology and Evolution
Womble, J.N., Blundell, G.M., Gende, S.M., Horning, M., Sigler, M.F., Csepp, D.J. (2014) Linking marine predator diving behavior to local prey fields in contrasting habitats in a subartic glacial fjord. Marine Biology 161: 1361-1374.
Lafferty, D.J.R., Belant, J.L., White, K.S., Womble, J.N., Morzillo, A.T. (2014) Linking wolf diet to changes in marine and terrestrial prey abundance. Arctic 67: 143-148.
Womble, J.N., Gende, S.M. (2013) Post-breeding season migrations of a top predator, the harbor seal, from a marine protected area in Alaska. PLoS ONE 8(2): e55386. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0055386
Womble, J.N., Horning, M., Lea, M-A. Rehberg, M. (2012) Diving into the analysis of time-depth recorder and behavioral data records. Deep Sea Research II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 88-89: 61-64.
Womble, J.N. (2012). Foraging ecology, diving behavior, and migration patterns of harbor seals from a glacial fjord in Alaska in relation to prey availability and oceanographic features. Ph.D. Dissertation. Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon.
Blundell, G.M., Womble, J.N., Pendleton, G.W., Karpovich, S.A., Gende, S.M., Herreman, J.K. (2011) Use of glacial ice and terrestrial habitats by harbor seals in Glacier Bay, Alaska: costs and benefits. Marine Ecology Progress Series 429:277-290.
Mathews, E.A., Womble, J.N., Pendleton, G.W, Jemison, L.A., Maniscalco, J.M., Streveler, G. (2011) Population expansion and colonization of Steller sea lions in the Glacier Bay region of southeastern Alaska: 1970s to 2009. Marine Mammal Science 27: 852-880.
Allen, S.G., Brown, E., Faulkner, K., Gende, S.M., Womble, J. N. (2011) Conserving pinnipeds in Pacific Ocean parks in response to climate change. Park Science 28:48-52.
Womble, J.N., Pendleton, G.W., Mathews, E.A., Blundell, G.M., Bool, N.M., Gende, S.M. (2010) Harbor seal decline continues in the rapidly changing landscape of Glacier Bay National Park, Alaska, 1992-2008. Marine Mammal Science 26:686-697.
Womble, J.N., Conlon, S. (2010) Observation of Steller sea lion predation on a harbor seal in the Glacier Bay region of southeastern Alaska. Aquatic Mammals 36: 129-137.
Womble, J.N., Gende, S.M. (2010) Contrasting trends for harbor seals and Steller sea lions in and near Glacier Bay National Park, Alaska. Alaska Park Science 9: 52-55.
Sigler, M.F., Tollit, D.J., Vollenweider, J.J., Thedinga, J.F., Csepp, D.J., Womble, J.N., Wong, M.A., Rehberg, M.J., Trites, A.W. (2009) Foraging response of a marine predator, the Steller sea lion, to seasonal changes in prey availability. Marine Ecology Progress Series 388: 243-261.
Womble, J.N., Sigler, M.F., Willson, M.F. (2008) Linking seasonal distribution patterns with prey availability in a central-place forager, the Steller sea lion. Journal of Biogeography 36: 439-451.
Womble, J.N., Gende, S.M., Blundell, G.M. (2007) Dive behavior of a harbor seal in the presence of transient killer whales in Glacier Bay National Park, Alaska. Marine Mammal Science 23:203-208.
Womble, J.N., Sigler, M.F. (2006) Seasonal availability of abundant, energy-rich prey influences the abundance and diet of a marine predator, the Steller sea lion. Marine Ecology Progress Series 325:281-293.
Womble, J.N., Sigler, M.F. (2006) Temporal variation in Steller sea lion diet at a seasonal haulout in southeastern Alaska. In: Trites A.W., Atkinson S.K., DeMaster D.P., Fritz L.W., Gelatt T.S., Rea L.D., and Wynne, K.M. (eds.) Sea Lions of the World. Alaska Sea Grant College Program, University of Alaska Fairbanks.
Willson, M.F., Womble, J.N. (2006) Vertebrate exploitation of pulsed marine prey: a review and the example of spawning herring. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries 16:183-200.
Vollenweider, J.J., Womble, J.N., Heintz, R. (2006) Estimation of seasonal energy content of Steller sea lion diet. In: Trites A.W., Atkinson S.K., DeMaster D.P., Fritz L.W., Gelatt T.S., Rea L.D., and Wynne K.M. (eds.) Sea Lions of the World. Alaska Sea Grant College Program, University of Alaska Fairbanks.
Womble, J.N., Willson, M.F. Sigler, M.F., Kelly, B.P, and Van Blaricom, G.R. (2005) Distribution of Steller sea lions in relation to spring-spawning fish species in SE Alaska. Marine Ecology Progress Series 294: 271-282.
Sigler, M.F., Womble, J.N., Vollenweider, J.J. (2004) Availability to Steller sea lions of an ephemeral prey resource, a pre-spawning aggregation of eulachon in southeastern Alaska. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 61: 1475-1484.
Womble, J.N. (2003). Seasonal distribution of Steller sea lions in relation to high-quality ephemeral prey species in southeastern Alaska. M.S. Thesis. University of Alaska Fairbanks, Fairbanks, Alaska.