Last updated: August 14, 2024
Project Profile: Provide Region-Level Support for National Parks to Complete Climate Change Adaptation Planning
Inflation Reduction Act
Resilience | FY24-27 $1,557,887
The National Park Service (NPS) will accelerate the development of climate change vulnerability assessments and adaptation actions in national parks. This project will provide climate change experts to work with parks in understanding and minimizing climate change vulnerabilities, connect staff with training and information, and collaborate to implement climate change adaptation actions on the ground.
Why? Some regions of the NPS have a full-time position funded by the Climate Change Response Program to help parks adapt to climate change. These positions provide expertise and coordinate with other experts to help parks understand how climate change affects their resources and facilities. They also help parks use climate change data and tools to develop adaptation strategies, making it easier for these regions to integrate climate change into their planning. However, some regions don't have this kind of dedicated support, which means they rely on the Climate Change Response Program scientists, who are limited in number and can't provide support quickly enough.
What Else? This project aims to provide temporary staff to these four regions to help park planners and managers use the latest climate change science to plan for adaptation. The NPS will gather input from experts and help identify adaptation strategies, working with park staff and scientists to assess vulnerabilities and risks. This project aligns with various administrative and NPS priorities, including addressing the needs of underserved communities near national parks.