Last updated: August 14, 2024
Project Profile: Deliver Vulnerability Assessment Data and Tools Online to Accelerate Climate Adaptation in Parks

NPS / Melanie Wood
Inflation Reduction Act
Resilience | FY24-26 $739,000
This project will enhance the National Park Service's (NPS) capacity to assess climate change vulnerability and formulate adaptation strategies for national parks. It involves the development of a web interface providing park-specific climate data, including figures and summaries of climate metrics that inform and support decisions on managing park resources. The project synthesizes climate change vulnerability assessment (CCVA) data, making it accessible to parks, programs, and partners. Two core elements involve online delivery of park-specific climate projection summaries and the establishment of a standardized method for selecting regionally appropriate climate futures.
Why? Climate change has significantly impacted national parks. The project addresses methodological challenges in selecting plausible climate futures for scenario-based adaptation planning, a crucial component in decision-making processes. It recognizes the importance of empowering parks, programs, and partners with park-specific data and tools to address high-value, site-specific climate-related challenges.
What Else? This project unifies years of work in the NPS to provide park-specific information products summarizing projected climate changes. It makes existing resources widely available to empower independent efforts by parks and programs. The initiative aligns with the DOI Climate Change Action Plan, the National Fish, Wildlife, and Plants Climate Adaptation Strategy, and the NPS Climate Change Response Strategy. Finally, the employment of youth supports both project elements, contributing to workforce development.