
Project Update: Digital Archives 2

I can say without a doubt or equivocation, being an archivist has brought me the most joy in my professional career. I not only enjoy being an archivist, but love it. I, along with many others in the archival community, have chosen this wonderful profession and have dedicated our lives to preserving our history, our past, and our legacy as a young country trying to find its way in the world. I have a great appreciation for our history whether it is civil rights, women’s history, government records, or our cultural and natural resources in the Florida Everglades.

In my opinion, there is nothing more satisfying than looking through old records and uncovering hidden treasures often forgotten by many of us. It is only through preservation and access that we can pass this history on to future generations. Technology has allowed us to view this unique and sometimes obscure history through the view of the worldwide web. Working as a seasonal archivist in the South Florida Cultural Collections Management Center (SFCMC) at the Daniel Beard Center and the Bill Robertson Building over the past six months on various projects ranging from digitization to cataloging has made my love and passion for archives even stronger.

I have worked as an archivist for many archives ranging from non-profit organizations, to state and local governments, as well as the federal government. My experience at SFCMC is rather unique and varies from my previous experiences as an archivist. The SFCMC manages museum and archival collection from three national parks, one national preserve, and one national memorial. I have worked with records and photographic images from all three national parks. I have learned how to preserve photographic materials in cold storage using the Critical Moisture Indicator (CMI) packing method. This cold storage method asserts the ability to extend the life of the photograph collection, beyond the life of standard room temperature storage.

I have surveyed, processed, arranged, and cataloged records dealing with research permit deliverables for two national parks, conducted inventories and surveys, and worked on developing procedures for managing born digital records. I have also prepared records for digitization by outside vendors. A curator, an archivist, a museum technician, and a host of support staff, which includes seasonal employees, interns, and volunteers, implement work to preserve and make accessible the collections at the SFCMC.

Kevin Hollis
November 2018

Last updated: December 4, 2018