
Florissant Fossil Beds Virtual Junior Ranger Online Activity

Gold Virtual Florissant Fossil Beds Junior Ranger badge
Virtual Junior Ranger Badge
Junior Rangers are special people who are dedicated to their National Parks. Their mission is to explore, learn, and protect, and to have fun while doing it!

While you can earn your Junior Ranger badge on your visit to Florissant Fossil Beds National Monument, we have also put together an opportunity for you to become a Florissant Fossil Beds National Monument Virtual Ranger.

After completing activities, games, and/or other experiences you will print off your Virtual Florissant Fossil Beds Junior Ranger Badge.

Earning Your Badge:

Pick one of the following activities to complete to earn your badge:

1.) Take a relaxing Guided Imagination Trip and become an ancient lake! You'll learn how beautiful detalied fossils of insects and leaves formed. After you take the trip, look at some of the photo galleries of fossils and pick your favorite.

2.) Listen to the song called "Stumps Y'all" on the Junior Ranger Radio page and learn how some of the biggest petrified tree stumps in the world were fossilized. After you hear the song, complete the Big Stump Face Art Activity.

3.) Extra Challenging Option: Print off a copy of the Florissant Fossil Beds Junior Ranger Booklet, and fill out as many pages as you can and come up with a question for a ranger and send to to get your reply! Later in the summer of 2020, you can mail the pages in and earn a Junior Ranger badge through the mail.

Gold Virtual Florissant Fossil Beds Junior Ranger badge
To download your virtual ranger badge, right click and "save image as" jpeg. Navigate to your downloads folder and open the image on your computer. From there you can print.

A few ideas for displaying your badge:

Print your badge, use it as a template to cut a piece of cardboard matching the shape, and then glue the paper and a pin onto the cardboard!

Use tape to secure it into your passport or scrapbook!

Set it as your background on a phone or tablet!

Last updated: April 17, 2020