
Campground Bulletin Case Replacement

Open Comment Period: August 11, 2017 to September 11, 2017

Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 requires Federal agencies to take into account the effects of their undertakings on historic properties. The public’s views are essential to our decision making in regards to the many historic properties within Lake Mead National Recreation Area.

The National Park Service is seeking public comment on the following projects as required by 36 CFR Part 800.2(d), the regulations implementing Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act. You may comment via email or via U.S. mail at Lake Mead National Recreation Area, Attention: Historic Preservation, 601 Nevada Way, Boulder City, Nevada 89005.

Campground Bulletin Case Replacement and Kiosk Rehabilitation (LAKE CRP 17-046)

The NPS proposes to rehabilitate the kiosks at the entrances to campgrounds and install new bulletin cases on restrooms throughout the campgrounds in the developed areas. Eight of these campgrounds were constructed between 1939 and the mid-1960s. They are historic cultural landscapes and have been determined eligible for the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) or are being treated as eligible for the NRHP for purposes of compliance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act.

The campgrounds include Cottonwood Cove Upper and Lower campgrounds, Boulder Beach Campground, and Echo Bay Upper and Lower campgrounds in Nevada and Katherine Landing North and South campgrounds and Temple Bar Campground in Arizona.

The kiosks were originally constructed in the late 1980s and early 1990s and are not historic. This project will: repaint the kiosks to match the existing color, replace roof tiles to match existing tiles, replace existing florescent lights with LED lights, install solar panels to power LED lights on roof of kiosks and replace the existing “Iron Rangers” with new “Iron Rangers” that meet current standards (“Iron Rangers” are the fee collection boxes located at the kiosks). The rehabilitation would not change the look or footprint of the kiosks; therefore, the rehabilitation of the kiosks would have no adverse effect on the historic campgrounds.

The bulletin cases would replace the existing bulletin cases on historic restrooms (these bulletin cases were installed in the 1980s and early 1990s) or add bulletin cases to new restrooms that are not historic and do not currently have them. The bulletin cases would be finished with the standard NPS Brown and would by 36 inches wide by 24 inches tall to match the existing cases.

On the historic restrooms, the new bulletin cases would be placed in the same location on the restrooms as the existing bulletin cases and would have no adverse effect on the historic restrooms or the surrounding historic campground. On the non-historic restrooms, the bulletin cases would be installed on the front of the restroom and would have no adverse effect on the surrounding historic campground.

Lake Mead National Recreation Area

Last updated: August 11, 2017