
World CA Condor Update - 2016 Population Status

Condor Enthusiasts -

Below is the population information on the California Condors, compiled by our partners at the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service as of December 31, 2016. For more comprehensive information about condor recovery check out their webpage. For details about individual birds, check the most recent CA Condor Studbook from our partners at the San Diego Zoo. All information provided here is compiled by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service from the many CA Condor recovery partners.

Arizona /Utah wild population: 83
California wild population: 166
Baja, Mexico wild population: 34
------------TOTAL Wild Population: 276
Captive Population: 170
------------TOTAL World Population: 446
A line chart showing how the population of California condors has increased gradually between 2010 and 2016.

USFWS California Condor Recovery Program 2016 Annual Population Status Report.


Number of nests in the wild: 20-22
Number of wild-fledged chicks: 8
Number of captive chicks: 31
Number of birds newly released into wild from captivity: 21
Number of mortalities in the free-flying population: 15
Total confirmed lead toxicosis mortalities between 1984-2016: 72

Miranda Terwilliger, Wildlife Biologist
Division of Science and Resource Management
Grand Canyon National Park

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Last updated: March 2, 2020