Last updated: October 22, 2019
Beginnings of the Auto Tour Route
Interest in providing access to Lewis and Clark’s expedition route grew in the 1920s. Although railroads existed throughout the west, there was not a significant highway network. Historians, like Wallace G. Lewis, noted that highways might provide easier access to the trail taken by Lewis and Clark.
In Lewiston, Idaho, the Lewis and Clark Memorial Association was formed to promote the construction of highways along Lewis and Clark’s expedition trail. They likewise planned historic markers and sites to educate the public about the state’s history. The establishment of a highway network would be crucial in connecting Americans to the route of the 19th century expedition.
In Lewiston, Idaho, the Lewis and Clark Memorial Association was formed to promote the construction of highways along Lewis and Clark’s expedition trail. They likewise planned historic markers and sites to educate the public about the state’s history. The establishment of a highway network would be crucial in connecting Americans to the route of the 19th century expedition.