
Theodore Bouchette

WWII-era photo of Theodore Bouchette in uniform at Camp Clatsop
Lt. Ted Bouchette

Courtesy of Mike Bouchette, Sherwood, WI 54169 (Son of Capt. Theodore J. Bouchette)

Captain Theodore J. Bouchette was in Alaska with the 37th Infantry Regiment with service in Kodiak and the Aleutians from Sept 1941-March 1944.

Capt. Bouchette first arrived in Kodiak Alaska in 1941. He later took part in first landings on Adak and Amchitka where he lived in a dugout cave for 18 months. He also served on Attu during the battle where he escaped as one of the few survivors of his regiment following a Japanese kamikaze attack.

Aleutian Islands World War II National Historic Area

Last updated: August 11, 2020