Last updated: September 29, 2022
Project Director
Sez Atamturktur
Clemson University, Glenn Department of Civil Engineering 110 Lowry Hall, S Palmetto Blvd, Clemson, SC 29634 (864) 656-3003
Team Members
Civil Engineering
Saurabh Prabhu, Ph.D. Candidate
Elizabeth Wheeler, Ph.D. Student
Greg Roche, Ph.D. Student
Xiaoyu Hu, Ph.D. Student
Ashley Haydock, M.S. Graduate
Tun Li, M.S. Graduate
Computer Science and Engineering
Jacob Sorber, Assistant Professor
Josiah Hester, Ph.D. Candidate
Keerthan Jaic, Ph.D. Student
Kyle McGuigan, Undergraduate Student
In recent years, a significant amount of research has been directed towards the development of prognostic methodologies to forecast the future health state of an engineering system assisting condition based maintenance. These prognostic methods, having furthered the maintenance practices for mechanical systems, have yet to be applied to historic masonry structures, many of which stand in an aged and degraded state. Implementation of prognostic methodologies to historic masonry structures can advance the planning of successful conservation and restoration efforts, ultimately extending the service life of these heritage structures.
This multi-disciplinary research project, which builds upon the findings of the ongoing NCPTT-funded project on Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) to determine the health of the nation’s historic structures, aims to develop Life-Cycle Assessment charts for Preservation and Rehabilitation (LCA-PR) of historic structures. Quantifiable parameters will be developed through the LCA-PR charts to evaluate not only the structural state of the heritage building, but also the effect of rehabilitation campaigns. Through this project, the PI will bring a novel idea to the preservation and management of historic masonry structures and address the NCPTT’s priority to “develop appropriate technologies to preserve houses of worship.”