
Secretary's Report to Congress: Data Tables 1985-2013, by Year

The Secretary of the Interior has reported to Congress about Federal programs and activities that affect the nation's archeological heritage. The report has covered activities to recover, protect, and preserve archeological sites, collections, and data. The Secretary's Report to Congress (SRC) on the Federal Archeology Program provides an overview of the range of activities undertaken by agencies as part of the programmatic Federal stewardship of archeological resources.

The NPS Archeology Program has solicited information about Federal archeology for the Secretary's Report to Congress through an annual questionnaire. Data in the report are based on responses to an annual questionnaire distributed to Federal agencies with responsibilities for archeological resources. The original data, however, are the only data about archeological activities and resources managed by Federal agencies that are collected separately from information about other cultural resources.

Currently, data are available for 1985-2013, as displayed in these data tables organized by year. To use this page, choose a year from the drop-down menu. Navigate the data table either by entering values into the Search box, manipulating the table, or downloading the data set. Not all agencies report, and not all agencies have reported each year. Visit the corresponding report to decode the attribution fields. The reports are available at the

A list of agency codes is available at the bottom of this page. It also appears in the drop down navigation.

For further assistance reading the report, please e-mail us to contact the Departmental Consulting Archeologist.


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SRC Data 1985-2013

Fiscal_ Year Agency_ Acronym B01 # Partners B02 $ Partners B03 # Hrs Volunteer B04 $ Volunteer C01 Overviews C02 # File Checks D01 # Field Studies D02 # Acres Inventoried D03 # Sites Identified F01 # Sites NRHP Elegible D05 # Sites Protected E01 # Data Recovery E02 # Sites Data Recovery E03 # Unant Discovery E04 # Unant DataRec H01A # Curated H01B cubic feet H04 % Cataloged H05 # Ft Records H07 # Fed Museums H08 # NonFed Museums I01 $ CRM Allocate I02 $ Othr Allocate D09 # Acres Total D11 # Sites Total F08 # Sites NRHP Total F06 # Sites NRHP Elegible Total F07 # Sites NRHP Inelegible Total L01 # Violations L02 # Violations Arrests L03 # Arrests L04 # Cited L05 # ARPA Misdem Convict L10 # Other Misdem Convict L06 # ARPA Felonies Convict L11 # Other Felonies Convict L07 # Indiv Liable L13 # All Cases Guilty L14 $ Fines L15 $ Restitute L16 $ Restore L09 $ Reward L17 $ Seized Property L18 $ Law Cost K01 # Permit Apps K02 # Permits Issued C03 # Tribal Notices


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^Partial data

FY Ag. Acro. B1 # Partners B2 $ Partners B3 # Hrs Volunteer B4A $ Volunteer (Standardized) C1 Over views D1 # File Checks D2 # Field Studies D03 Annual # Acres Inventoried D04 Annual # Sites D5 # Sites Elegible D6 # Sites Protect E1 # Data Recovery E2 # Sites Data Recovery F1 # Unt Discovery F2 # Unt DataRec H1A # items Curated H01B Cubic Feet Curated H2 # Cataloged H3 # Ft Records H4 # Fed Museums H5 # NonFed Museums I1 $ CRM Allocate I2 $ Othr Allocate J01 Cumulative # Acres J02 Cumulative # Sites J3 # Sites NRHP Total J4 # Sites Eligible Total J5 # Sites Ineligible Total L1 # Violations L2 # Arrests L3 # Arrests L4 # Cited L5 # Prosecutions L6 # Other Prosecutions L7 # ARPA Misdem Convict L8 # Other Misdem Convict L9 # ARPA Felonies Convict L10 # Other Felonies Convict L11 # I iv Liable L12 # Cases Guilty L13 # Cases Not Guilty L14 $ Fines L15 $ Restitute L16 $ Restore L17 $ Reward L18 $ Seized Property L19 $ Law Cost K1 # Permit Apps K2 # Permits Issued K3 # Tribal Notices


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^Partial data

FY Ag. Acro. B1 # Partners B2 $ Partners B3 # Hrs Volunteer B4A $ Volunteer (Standardized) C1 Over views D1 # File Checks D2 # Field Studies D03 Annual # Acres Inventoried D04 Annual # Sites D5 # Sites Elegible D6 # Sites Protect E1 # Data Recovery E2 # Sites Data Recovery F1 # Unt Discovery F2 # Unt DataRec H1A # items Curated H01B Cubic Feet Curated H2 # Cataloged H3 # Ft Records H4 # Fed Museums H5 # NonFed Museums I1 $ CRM Allocate I2 $ Othr Allocate J01 Cumulative # Acres J02 Cumulative # Sites J3 # Sites NRHP Total J4 # Sites Eligible Total J5 # Sites Ineligible Total L1 # Violations L2 # Arrests L3 # Arrests L4 # Cited L5 # Prosecutions L6 # Other Prosecutions L7 # ARPA Misdem Convict L8 # Other Misdem Convict L9 # ARPA Felonies Convict L10 # Other Felonies Convict L11 # I iv Liable L12 # Cases Guilty L13 # Cases Not Guilty L14 $ Fines L15 $ Restitute L16 $ Restore L17 $ Reward L18 $ Seized Property L19 $ Law Cost K1 # Permit Apps K2 # Permits Issued K3 # Tribal Notices


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SRC Data 1985-2013

FY Ag. Acro. B1 # Partners B2 $ Partners B3 # Hrs Volunteer B4A $ Volunteer (Standardized) C1 Over views D1 # File Checks D2 # Field Studies D03 Annual # Acres Inventoried D04 Annual # Sites D5 # Sites Elegible D6 # Sites Protect E1 # Data Recovery E2 # Sites Data Recovery F1 # Unt Discovery F2 # Unt DataRec H1A # items Curated H01B Cubic Feet Curated H2 # Cataloged H3 # Ft Records H4 # Fed Museums H5 # NonFed Museums I1 $ CRM Allocate I2 $ Othr Allocate J01 Cumulative # Acres J02 Cumulative # Sites J3 # Sites NRHP Total J4 # Sites Eligible Total J5 # Sites Ineligible Total L1 # Violations L2 # Violations Arrests L3 # Arrests L4 # Cited L5 # Prosecutions L6 # Other Prosecutions L7 # ARPA Misdem Convict L8 # Other Misdem Convict L9 # ARPA Felonies Convict L10 # Other Felonies Convict L11 # I iv Liable L12 # Cases Guilty L13 # Cases Not Guilty L14 $ Fines L15 $ Restitute L16 $ Restore L17 $ Reward L18 $ Seized Property L19 $ Law Cost K1 # Permit Apps K2 # Permits Issued K3 # Tribal Notices


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SRC Data 1985-2013

FY Ag. Acro. B1 # Partners B2 $ Partners B3 # Hrs Volunteer B4A $ Volunteer (Standardized) C1 Over views D1 # File Checks D2 # Field Studies D03 Annual # Acres Inventoried D04 Annual # Sites D5 # Sites Elegible D6 # Sites Protect E1 # Data Recovery E2 # Sites Data Recovery F1 # Unt Discovery F2 # Unt DataRec H1A # items Curated H01B Cubic Feet Curated H2 # Cataloged H3 # Ft Records H4 # Fed Museums H5 # NonFed Museums I1 $ CRM Allocate I2 $ Othr Allocate J01 Cumulative # Acres J02 Cumulative # Sites J3 # Sites NRHP Total J4 # Sites Eligible Total J5 # Sites Ineligible Total L1 # Violations L2 # Arrests L3 # Arrests L4 # Cited L5 # Prosecutions L6 # Other Prosecutions L7 # ARPA Misdem Convict L8 # Other Misdem Convict L9 # ARPA Felonies Convict L10 # Other Felonies Convict L11 # I iv Liable L12 # Cases Guilty L13 # Cases Not Guilty L14 $ Fines L15 $ Restitute L16 $ Restore L17 $ Reward L18 $ Seized Property L19 $ Law Cost K1 # Permit Apps K2 # Permits Issued K3 # Tribal Notices


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SRC Data 1985-2013

FY Ag. Acro. B1 # Partners B2 $ Partners B3 # Hrs Volunteer B4A $ Volunteer (Standardized) C1 Over views D1 # File Checks D2 # Field Studies D03 Annual # Acres Inventoried D04 Annual # Sites D5 # Sites Elegible D6 # Sites Protect E1 # Data Recovery E2 # Sites Data Recovery F1 # Unt Discovery F2 # Unt DataRec H1A # items Curated H01B Cubic Feet Curated H2 # Cataloged H3 # Ft Records H4 # Fed Museums H5 # NonFed Museums I1 $ CRM Allocate I2 $ Othr Allocate J01 Cumulative # Acres J02 Cumulative # Sites J3 # Sites NRHP Total J4 # Sites Eligible Total J5 # Sites Ineligible Total K1 # Permit Apps K2 # Permits Issued K3 # Tribal Notices L1 # Violations L2 # Arrests L3 # Arrests L4 # Cited L5 # Prosecutions L6 # Other Prosecutions L7 # ARPA Misdem Convict L8 # Other Misdem Convict L9 # ARPA Felonies Convict L10 # Other Felonies Convict L11 # I iv Liable L12 # Cases Guilty L13 # Cases Not Guilty L14 $ Fines L15 $ Restitute L16 $ Restore L17 $ Reward L18 $ Seized Property L19 $ Law Cost


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SRC Data 1985-2013

FY Ag. Acro. B1 # Partners B2 $ Partners B3 # Hrs Volunteer B4A $ Volunteer (Standardized) C1 Over views D1 # File Checks D2 # Field Studies D03 Annual # Acres Inventoried D04 Annual # Sites D5 # Sites Elegible D6 # Sites Protect E1 # Data Recovery E2 # Sites Data Recovery F1 # Unt Discovery F2 # Unt DataRec H1A # items Curated H01B Cubic Feet Curated H2 # Cataloged H3 # Ft Records H4 # Fed Museums H5 # NonFed Museums I1 $ CRM Allocate I2 $ Othr Allocate J01 Cumulative # Acres J02 Cumulative # Sites J3 # Sites NRHP Total J4 # Sites Eligible Total J5 # Sites Ineligible Total K1 # Permit Apps K2 # Permits Issued K3 # Tribal Notices L1 # Violations L2 # Arrests L3 # Arrests L4 # Cited L5 # Prosecutions L6 # Other Prosecutions L7 # ARPA Misdem Convict L8 # Other Misdem Convict L9 # ARPA Felonies Convict L10 # Other Felonies Convict L11 # I iv Liable L12 # Cases Guilty L13 # Cases Not Guilty L14 $ Fines L15 $ Restitute L16 $ Restore L17 $ Reward L18 $ Seized Property L19 $ Law Cost K1 # Permit Apps K2 # Permits Issued K3 # Tribal Notices L22 Loot Forms


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^ Data corrected since 2006 posting on Archeology website.

FY Ag. Acro. B1 # Partners B2 $ Partners B3 # Hrs Volunteer B4A $ Volunteer (Standardized) C1 Over views D1 # File Checks D2 # Field Studies D03 Annual # Acres Inventoried D04 Annual # Sites D5 # Sites Elegible D6 # Sites Protect E1 # Data Recovery E2 # Sites Data Recovery F1 # Unt Discovery F2 # Unt DataRec H1A # items Curated H01B Cubic Feet Curated H2 # Cataloged H3 # Ft Records H4 # Fed Museums H5 # NonFed Museums I1 $ CRM Allocate I2 $ Othr Allocate J01 Cumulative # Acres J02 Cumulative # Sites J3 # Sites NRHP Total J4 # Sites Eligible Total J5 # Sites Ineligible Total L1 # Violations L2 # Arrrests L3 # Arrests L4 # Cited L5 # Prosecutions L6 # Other Prosecutions L7 # ARPA Misdem Convict L8 # Other Misdem Convict L9 # ARPA Felonies Convict L10 # Other Felonies Convict L11 # I iv Liable L12 # Cases Guilty L13 # Cases Not Guilty L14 $ Fines L15 $ Restitute L16 $ Restore L17 $ Reward L18 $ Seized Property L19 $ Law Cost K1 # Permit Apps K2 # Permits Issued K3 # Tribal Notices


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SRC Data 1985-2013

FY Ag. Acro. B1 # Partners B2 $ Partners B3 # Hrs Volunteer B4A $ Volunteer (Standardized) C1 Over views D1 # File Checks D2 # Field Studies D03 Annual # Acres Inventoried D04 Annual # Sites D5 # Sites Elegible D6 # Sites Protect E1 # Data Recovery E2 # Sites Data Recovery F1 # Unt Discovery F2 # Unt DataRec H1 Curated H1A # items Curated H01B Cubic Feet Curated H2 # Cataloged H3 # Ft Records H4 # Fed Museums H5 # NonFed Museums I1 $ CRM Allocate I2 $ Othr Allocate J01 Cumulative # Acres J02 Cumulative # Sites J3 # Sites NRHP Total J4 # Sites Eligible Total J5 # Sites Ineligible Total K1 # Permit Apps K2 # Permits Issued K3 # Tribal Notices L1 # Violations L2 # Arrrests L3 # Arrests L4 # Cited L5 # Prosecutions L6 # Other Prosecutions L7 # ARPA Misdem Convict L8 # Other Misdem Convict L9 # ARPA Felonies Convict L10 # Other Felonies Convict L11 # Civil Liable L12 # Cases Guilty L13 # Cases Not Guilty L14 $ Fines L15 $ Restitute L16 $ Restore L17 $ Reward L18 $ Seized Property L19 $ Law Cost L22 Loot Forms


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^ Data corrected since 2005 posting on Archeology website.

*Data corrected; HHS reversed annual and cumulative numbers in original submissions.

FY Ag. Acro. B1 # Partners B2 $ Partners B3 # Hrs Volunteer B4A $ Volunteer (Standardized) C1 Over views D1 # File Checks D2 # Field Studies D03 Annual # Acres Inventoried D04 Annual # Sites D5 # Sites Elegible D6 # Sites Protect E1 # Data Recovery E2 # Sites Data Recovery F1 # Unt Discovery F2 # Unt DataRec H1 Curated H1A # items Curated H01B Cubic Feet Curated H2 % Cataloged H3 # Ft Records H4 # Fed Museums H5 # NonFed Museums I1 $ CRM Allocate I2 $ Othr Allocate J01 Cumulative # Acres J02 Cumulative # Sites J3 # Sites NRHP Total J4 # Sites Eligible Total J5 # Sites Ineligible Total K1 # Permit Apps K2 # Permits Issued K3 # Tribal Notices L1 # Violations L2 # Arrrests L3 # Arrests L4 # Cited L5 # Prosecutions L6 # Other Prosecutions L7 # ARPA Misdem Convict L8 # Other Misdem Convict L9 # ARPA Felonies Convict L10 # Other Felonies Convict L11 # I iv Liable L12 # Cases Guilty L13 # Cases Not Guilty L14 $ Fines L15 $ Restitute L16 $ Restore L17 $ Reward L18 $ Seized Property L19 $ Law Cost


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*Data corrected; HHS reversed annual and cumulative numbers in original submissions.

**Data altered since 2005 posting on Archeology website. In order to submit complete data, BLM reports on partnership activity that took place during the previous calendar year (i.e., the data presented here is from CY1997).

^ Data corrected since 2005 posting on Archeology website.

FY Ag. Acro. B1 # Partners B2 $ Partners B3 # Hrs Volunteer B4 $ Volunteer (Reported) B4A $ Volunteer (Standardized) C1 Over views D1 # File Checks D2 # Field Studies D03 Annual # Acres Inventoried D04 Annual # Sites D5 # Sites Elegible D6 # Sites Protect E1 # Data Recovery E2 # Sites Data Recovery F1 # Unt Discovery F2 # Unt DataRec H1 Curated H01A # items Curated H01B Cubic Feet Curated H2 # Cataloged H3 # Ft Records H4 # Fed Museums H5 # NonFed Museums I1 $ CRM Allocate I2 $ Othr Allocate J01 Cumulative # Acres J02 Cumulative # Sites J3 # Sites NRHP Total J4 # Sites Eligible Total J5 # Sites Ineligible Total K1 # Permit Apps K2 # Permits Issued K3 # Tribal Notices L1 # Violations L2 # Arrrests L3 # Arrests L4 # Cited L5 # Prosecutions L6 # Other Prosecutions L7 # ARPA Misdem Convict L8 # Other Misdem Convict L9 # ARPA Felonies Convict L10 # Other Felonies Convict L11 # I iv Liable L12 # Cases Guilty L13 # Cases Not Guilty L14 $ Fines L15 $ Restitute L16 $ Restore L17 $ Reward L18 $ Seized Property L19 $ Law Cost


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^ Data corrected since 2005 posting on Archeology website.

*Data corrected; HHS reversed annual and cumulative numbers in original submissions.

**Data altered since 2005 posting on Archeology website. In order to submit complete data, BLM reports on partnership activity that took place during the previous calendar year (i.e., the data presented here is from CY1997).

^^ INS data added since 2005 posting on NPS Archeology website.

FY Ag. Acro. B1 # Partners B2 $ Partners B3 # Hrs Volunteer B4 $ Volunteer (Reported) B4A $ Volunteer (Standardized) C1 Over views D1 # File Checks D2 # Field Studies D03 Annual # Acres Inventoried D04 Annual # Sites D5 # Sites Elegible D6 # Sites Protect E1 # Data Recovery E2 # Sites Data Recovery F1 # Unt Discovery F2 # Unt DataRec H1 Curated H1A # items Curated H01B Cubic Feet Curated H2 # Cataloged H3 # Ft Records H4 # Fed Museums H5 # NonFed Museums I1 $ CRM Allocate I2 $ Othr Allocate J01 Cumulative # Acres J02 Cumulative # Sites J3 # Sites NRHP Total J4 # Sites Eligible Total J5 # Sites Ineligible Total K1 # Permit Apps K2 # Permits Issued K3 # Tribal Notices L1 # Violations L2 # Arrrests L3 # Arrests L4 # Cited L5 # Prosecutions L6 # Other Prosecutions L7 # ARPA Misdem Convict L8 # Other Misdem Convict L9 # ARPA Felonies Convict L10 # Other Felonies Convict L11 # I iv Liable L12 # Cases Guilty L13 # Cases Not Guilty L14 $ Fines L15 $ Restitute L16 $ Restore L17 $ Reward L18 $ Seized Property L19 $ Law Cost


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*Data corrected; HHS reversed annual and cumulative numbers in original submissions.

**Data altered since 2005 posting on Archeology website. In order to submit complete data, BLM reports on partnership activity that took place during the previous calendar year (i.e., the data presented here is from CY1997).

^ Data corrected.

^^ INS data added since 2005 posting on NPS Archeology website.

""Data from USMC added since 2005 data upload.

FY Ag. Acro. B1 # Partners B2 $ Partners B3 # Hrs Volunteer B4 $ Volunteer (Reported) B4A $ Volunteer (Standardized) C1 Over views D1 # File Checks D2 # Field Studies D03 Annual # Acres Inventoried D04 Annual # Sites D5 # Sites Elegible D6 # Sites Protect E1 # Data Recovery E2 # Sites Data Recovery F1 # Unt Discovery F2 # Unt DataRec H1 Curated H1A # items Curated H01B Cubic Feet Curated H2 # Cataloged H3 # Ft Records H4 # Fed Museums H5 # NonFed Museums I1 $ CRM Allocate I2 $ Othr Allocate J01 Cumulative # Acres J02 Cumulative # Sites J3 # Sites NRHP Total J4 # Sites Eligible Total J5 # Sites Ineligible Total K1 # Permit Apps K2 # Permits Issued K3 # Tribal Notices L1 # Violations L2 # Arrrests L3 # Arrests L4 # Cited L5 # Prosecutions L6 # Other Prosecutions L7 # ARPA Misdem Convict L8 # Other Misdem Convict L9 # ARPA Felonies Convict L10 # Other Felonies Convict L11 # I iv Liable L12 # Cases Guilty L13 # Cases Not Guilty L14 $ Fines L15 $ Restitute L16 $ Restore L17 $ Reward L18 $ Seized Property L19 $ Law Cost


^ Data corrected since 2005 posting on Archeology website to more accurately reflect COE's archeological collections.

""Data corrected; HHS reversed annual and cumulative numbers in original submissions.

**Data altered since 2005 posting on Archeology website. In order to submit complete data, BLM reports on partnership activity that took place during the previous calendar year (i.e., the data presented here is from CY1997).

^^Data corrected since 2005 posting; 263 listings and 4107 contributing properties.

Fiscal Year Ag. Acro. B1 # Partners B2 $ Partners B3 # Hrs Volunteer B4 $ Volunteer (Reported) B4A $ Volunteer (Standardized) C1 Over views D1 # File Checks D2 # Field Studies D03 Annual # Acres Inventoried D04 Annual # Sites D5 # Sites Elegible D6 # Sites Protect E1 # Data Recovery E2 # Sites Data Recovery F1 # Unt Discovery F2 # Unt DataRec H1 Curated H1A # items H01B Cubic Feet Curated H2 # Cataloged H3 # Ft Records H4 # Fed Museums H5 # NonFed Museums I1 $ CRM Allocate I2 $ Othr Allocate J01 Cumulative # Acres J02 Cumulative # Sites J3 # Sites NRHP Total J4 # Sites Eligible Total J5 # Sites Ineligible Total K1 # Permit Apps K2 # Permits Issued K3 # Tribal Notices L1 # Violations L2 # Arrrests L3 # Arrests L4 # Cited L5 # Prosecutions L6 # Other Prosecutions L7 # ARPA Misdem Convict L8 # Other Misdem Convict L9 # ARPA Felonies Convict L10 # Other Felonies Convict L11 # I iv Liable L12 # Cases Guilty L13 # Cases Not Guilty L14 $ Fines L15 $ Restitute L16 $ Restore L17 $ Reward L18 $ Seized Property L19 $ Law Cost


*Data corrected; HHS reversed annual and cumulative numbers in original submissions.

**Data altered since 2005 posting on Archeology website. In order to submit complete data, BLM reports on partnership activity that took place during the previous calendar year (i.e., the data presented here is from CY1997).

FY Ag. Acro. B1 # Partners B2 $ Partners B3 # Hrs Volunteer B4 $ Volunteer (Reported) B4A $ Volunteer (Standardized) C1 Over views D1 # File Checks D2 # Field Studies D03 Annual # Acres Inventoried D04 Annual # Sites D5 # Sites Elegible D6 # Sites Protect E1 # Data Recovery E2 # Sites Data Recovery F1 # Unt Discovery F2 # Unt DataRec H1 Curated H1A # items Curated H01B Cubic Feet Curated H2 # Cataloged H3 # Ft Records H4 # Fed Museums H5 # NonFed Museums I1 $ CRM Allocate I2 $ Othr Allocate J01 Cumulative # Acres J02 Cumulative # Sites J3 # Sites NRHP Total J4 # Sites Eligible Total J5 # Sites Ineligible Total K1 # Permit Apps K2 # Permits Issued K3 # Tribal Notices L1 # Violations L2 # Arrrests L3 # Arrests L4 # Cited L5 # Prosecutions L6 # Other Prosecutions L7 # ARPA Misdem Convict L8 # Other Misdem Convict L9 # ARPA Felonies Convict L10 # Other Felonies Convict L11 # I iv Liable L12 # Cases Guilty L13 # Cases Not Guilty L14 $ Fines L15 $ Restitute L16 $ Restore L17 $ Reward L18 $ Seized Property L19 $ Law Cost


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*Data altered since 2005 posting on Archeology website. In order to submit complete data, BLM reports on partnership activity that took place during the previous calendar year (i.e., the data presented here is from CY1997).

^ 750 lots of artifacts and 1889 cubic feet added since last posting of data to more accurately reflect BOR's holdings in 1998.

** Data corrected; HHS reversed annual and cumulative numbers in original submission.

"" Data corrected to more accurately reflect archeological collections.

1998<p>[<a href="#year">Top of Page</a>]</p>  <p>*Data altered since 2005 posting on Archeology webs
FY Ag. Acro. B1 # Partners B2 $ Partners B3 # Hrs Volunteer B4 $ Volunteer (Reported) B4A $ Volunteer (Standardized) C1 Over views D1 # File Checks D2 # Field Studies D03 Annual # Acres Inventoried D04 Annual # Sites D5 # Sites Elegible D6 # Sites Protect E1 # Data Recovery E2 # Sites Data Recovery F1 # Unt Discovery F2 # Unt DataRec H1 Curated H1A # items Curated H01B Cubic Feet Curated H2 % Cataloged H3 # Ft Records H4 # Fed Museums H5 # NonFed Museums I1 $ CRM Allocate I2 $ Othr Allocate J01 Cumulative # Acres J02 Cumulative # Sites J3 # Sites NRHP Total J4 # Sites Eligible Total J5 # Sites Ineligible Total J6# K1 # Permit Apps K2 # Permits Issued K3 # Tribal Notices L1 # Violations L2 # Arrrests L3 # Arrests L4 # Cited L5 # Prosecutions L6 # Other Prosecutions L7 # ARPA Misdem Convict L8 # Other Misdem Convict L9 # ARPA Felonies Convict L10 # Other Felonies Convict L11 # I iv Liable L12 # Cases Guilty L13 # Cases Not Guilty L14 $ Fines L15 $ Restitute L16 $ Restore L17 $ Reward L18 $ Seized Property L19 $ Law Cost


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*Data corrected; HHS reversed annual a cumulative numbers in origil submissions.

Fiscal_Year Agency_Acronym B01 # Partners B02 $ Partners B03 # Hrs Volunteer B04 $ Volunteer C01 Overview D01 # File Checks D02 # Field Studies D03 Annual # Acres Inventoried D04 Annual # Sites D05 # Sites Elegible D06 # Sites Protect E01 # Data Recovery E02 # Sites Data Recovery F01 # Unt Discovery F02 # Unt DataRec H01 # Curated H1A # items Curated H01B Cubic Feet Curated H02 # Cataloged H03 # Ft Records H04 # Fed Museums H05 # NonFed Museums I01 $ CRM Allocate I02 $ Othr Allocate J01 Cumulative # Acres J02 Cumulative # Sites J03 # Sites NRHP Total J04 # Sites Eligible Total J05 # Sites Ineligible Total K01 # Permit Apps K02 # Permits Issued K03 # Tribal Notices L01 # Violations L02 # Violations Arrrests L03 # Arrests L04 # Cited L05 # ARPA Prosecutions L06 # Other Prosecutions L07 # ARPA Misdem Convict L08 # Other Misdem Convict L09 # ARPA Felonies Convict L10 # Other Felonies Convict L11 # Iiv Liable L12 # Cases Guilty L13 # Cases Not Guilty L14 $ Fines L15 $ Restitute L16 $ Restore L17 $ Reward L18 $ Seized Property L19 $ Law Cost


[Top of Page]

*Data corrected; HHS reversed annual a cumulative numbers in original submissions.

Fiscal_Year Agency_Acronym B01 # Partners B02 $ Partners B03 # Hrs Volunteer B04 $ Volunteer C01 Overview D01 # File Checks D02 # Field Studies D03 Annual # Acres Inventoried D04 Annual # Sites D05 # Sites Elegible D06 # Sites Protect E01 # Data Recovery E02 # Sites Data Recovery F01 # Unant Discovery F02 # Unant DataRec H01 # Curated H1A # items Curated H01B Cubic Feet Curated H02 # Cataloged H03 # Ft Records H04 # Fed Museums H05 # NonFed Museums I01 $ CRM Allocate I02 $ Othr Allocate J01 Cumulative # Acres J02 Cumulative # Sites J03 # Sites NRHP Total J04 # Sites Eligible Total J05 # Sites Ineligible Total K01 # Permit Apps K02 # Permits Issued K03 # Tribal Notices L01 # Violations L02 # Violations Arrrests L03 # Arrests L04 # Cited L05 # ARPA Prosecutions L06 # Other Prosecutions L07 # ARPA Misdem Convict L08 # Other Misdem Convict L09 # ARPA Felonies Convict L10 # Other Felonies Convict L11 # Indiv Liable L12 # Cases Guilty L13 # Cases Not Guilty L14 $ Fines L15 $ Restitute L16 $ Restore L17 $ Reward L18 $ Seized Property L19 $ Law Cost


[Top of Page]

*Data corrected; HHS reversed annual a cumulative numbers in original submissions.

Fiscal_Year Agency_Acronym B01 # Partners B02 $ Partners B03 # Hrs Volunteer B04 $ Volunteer C01 Overview D01 # File Checks D02 # Field Studies D03 Annual # Acres Inventoried D04 Annual # Sites D05 # Sites Elegible D06 # Sites Protect E01 # Data Recovery E02 # Sites Data Recovery F01 # Unant Discovery F02 # Unant DataRec H01 # Curated H02 # Cataloged H03 # Ft Records H04 # Fed Museums H05 # NonFed Museums I01 $ CRM Allocate I02 $ Othr Allocate J01 Cumulative # Acres J02 Cumulative # Sites J03 # Sites NRHP Total J04 # Sites Eligible Total J05 # Sites Ineligible Total K01 # Permit Apps K02 # Permits Issued K03 # Tribal Notices L01 # Violations L02 # Violations Arrrests L03 # Arrests L04 # Cited L05 # ARPA Prosecutions L06 # Other Prosecutions L07 # ARPA Misdem Convict L08 # Other Misdem Convict L09 # ARPA Felonies Convict L10 # Other Felonies Convict L11 # Indiv Liable L12 # Cases Guilty L13 # Cases Not Guilty L14 $ Fines L15 $ Restitute L16 $ Restore L17 $ Reward L18 $ Seized Property L19 $ Law Cost


[Top of Page]

*Data corrected; HHS reversed annual a cumulative numbers in original submissions.

Fiscal_Year Agency_Acronym B01 # Partners B02 $ Partners B03 # Hrs Volunteer B04 $ Volunteer C01 Overview D01 # File Checks D02 # Field Studies D03 Annual # Acres Inventoried D04 Annual # Sites D05 # Sites Elegible D06 # Sites Protect E01 # Data Recovery E02 # Sites Data Recovery F01 # Unant Discovery F02 # Unant DataRec H01 # Curated H02 # Cataloged H03 # Ft Records H04 # Fed Museums H05 # NonFed Museums I01 $ CRM Allocate I02 $ Othr Allocate J01 Cumulative # Acres J02 Cumulative # Sites J03 # Sites NRHP Total J04 # Sites Eligible Total J05 # Sites Ineligible Total K01 # Permit Apps K02 # Permits Issued K03 # Tribal Notices L01 # Violations L02 # Violations Arrrests L03 # Arrests L04 # Cited L05 # ARPA Prosecutions L06 # Other Prosecutions L07 # ARPA Misdem Convict L08 # Other Misdem Convict L09 # ARPA Felonies Convict L10 # Other Felonies Convict L11 # Indiv Liable L12 # Cases Guilty L13 # Cases Not Guilty L14 $ Fines L15 $ Restitute L16 $ Restore L17 $ Reward L18 $ Seized Property L19 $ Law Cost


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*Data corrected; HHS reversed annual a cumulative numbers in original submissions.

Fiscal_Year Agency_Acronym B01 # Partners B02 $ Partners B03 # Hrs Volunteer B04 $ Volunteer C01 Overview D01 # File Checks D02 # Field Studies D03 Annual # Acres Inventoried D04 Annual # Sites D05 # Sites Elegible D06 # Sites Protect E01 # Data Recovery E02 # Sites Data Recovery F01 # Unant Discovery F02 # Unant DataRec H01 # Curated H02 # Cataloged H03 # Ft Records H04 # Fed Museums H05 # NonFed Museums I01 $ CRM Allocate I02 $ Othr Allocate J01 Cumulative # Acres J02 Cumulative # Sites J03 # Sites NRHP Total J04 # Sites Eligible Total J05 # Sites Ineligible Total K01 # Permit Apps K02 # Permits Issued K03 # Tribal Notices L01 # Violations L02 # Violations Arrrests L03 # Arrests L04 # Cited L05 # ARPA Prosecutions L06 # Other Prosecutions L07 # ARPA Misdem Convict L08 # Other Misdem Convict L09 # ARPA Felonies Convict L10 # Other Felonies Convict L11 # Indiv Liable L12 # Cases Guilty L13 # Cases Not Guilty L14 $ Fines L15 $ Restitute L16 $ Restore L17 $ Reward L18 $ Seized Property L19 $ Law Cost


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*Data corrected; HHS reversed annual a cumulative numbers in original submissions.

Fiscal_Year Agency_Acronym B01 # Partners B02 $ Partners B03 # Hrs Volunteer B04 $ Volunteer C01 Overview D01 # File Checks D02 # Field Studies D03 Annual # Acres Inventoried D04 Annual # Sites D05 # Sites Elegible D06 # Sites Protect E01 # Data Recovery E02 # Sites Data Recovery F01 # Unant Discovery F02 # Unant DataRec H01 # Curated H02 # Cataloged H03 # Ft Records H04 # Fed Museums H05 # NonFed Museums I01 $ CRM Allocate I02 $ Othr Allocate J01 Cumulative # Acres J02 Cumulative # Sites J03 # Sites NRHP Total J04 # Sites Eligible Total J05 # Sites Ineligible Total K01 # Permit Apps K02 # Permits Issued K03 # Tribal Notices L01 # Violations L02 # Violations Arrrests L03 # Arrests L04 # Cited L05 # ARPA Prosecutions L06 # Other Prosecutions L07 # ARPA Misdem Convict L08 # Other Misdem Convict L09 # ARPA Felonies Convict L10 # Other Felonies Convict L11 # Indiv Liable L12 # Cases Guilty L13 # Cases Not Guilty L14 $ Fines L15 $ Restitute L16 $ Restore L17 $ Reward L18 $ Seized Property L19 $ Law Cost


[Top of Page]

*Data corrected; HHS reversed annual a cumulative numbers in original submissions.

Fiscal_Year Agency_Acronym B01 # Partners B02 $ Partners B03 # Hrs Volunteer B04 $ Volunteer C01 Overview D01 # File Checks D02 # Field Studies D03 Annual # Acres Inventoried D04 Annual # Sites D05 # Sites Elegible D06 # Sites Protect E01 # Data Recovery E02 # Sites Data Recovery F01 # Unant Discovery F02 # Unant DataRec H01 # Curated H02 # Cataloged H03 # Ft Records H04 # Fed Museums H05 # NonFed Museums I01 $ CRM Allocate I02 $ Othr Allocate J01 Cumulative # Acres J02 Cumulative # Sites J03 # Sites NRHP Total J04 # Sites Eligible Total J05 # Sites Ineligible Total K01 # Permit Apps K02 # Permits Issued K03 # Tribal Notices L01 # Violations L02 # Violations Arrrests L03 # Arrests L04 # Cited L05 # ARPA Prosecutions L06 # Other Prosecutions L07 # ARPA Misdem Convict L08 # Other Misdem Convict L09 # ARPA Felonies Convict L10 # Other Felonies Convict L11 # Indiv Liable L12 # Cases Guilty L13 # Cases Not Guilty L14 $ Fines L15 $ Restitute L16 $ Restore L17 $ Reward L18 $ Seized Property L19 $ Law Cost


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SRC Data 1985-2013

Fiscal_Year Agency_Acronym B01 # Partners B02 $ Partners B03 # Hrs Volunteer B04 $ Volunteer C01 Overview D01 # File Checks D02 # Field Studies D03 Annual # Acres Inventoried D04 Annual # Sites D05 # Sites Elegible D06 # Sites Protect E01 # Data Recovery E02 # Sites Data Recovery F01 # Unant Discovery F02 # Unant DataRec H01 # Curated H02 # Cataloged H03 # Ft Records H04 # Fed Museums H05 # NonFed Museums I01 $ CRM Allocate I02 $ Othr Allocate J01 Cumulative # Acres J02 Cumulative # Sites J03 # Sites NRHP Total J04 # Sites Eligible Total J05 # Sites Ineligible Total K01 # Permit Apps K02 # Permits Issued K03 # Tribal Notices L01 # Violations L02 # Violations Arrrests L03 # Arrests L04 # Cited L05 # ARPA Prosecutions L06 # Other Prosecutions L07 # ARPA Misdem Convict L08 # Other Misdem Convict L09 # ARPA Felonies Convict L10 # Other Felonies Convict L11 # Indiv Liable L12 # Cases Guilty L13 # Cases Not Guilty L14 $ Fines L15 $ Restitute L16 $ Restore L17 $ Reward L18 $ Seized Property L19 $ Law Cost


[Top of Page]

SRC Data 1985-2013

Fiscal_Year Agency_Acronym B01 # Partners B02 $ Partners B03 # Hrs Volunteer B04 $ Volunteer C01 Overview D01 # File Checks D02 # Field Studies D03 Annual # Acres Inventoried D04 Annual # Sites D05 # Sites Elegible D06 # Sites Protect E01 # Data Recovery E02 # Sites Data Recovery F01 # Unant Discovery F02 # Unant DataRec H01 # Curated H02 # Cataloged H03 # Ft Records H04 # Fed Museums H05 # NonFed Museums I01 $ CRM Allocate I02 $ Othr Allocate J01 Cumulative # Acres J02 Cumulative # Sites J03 # Sites NRHP Total J04 # Sites Eligible Total J05 # Sites Ineligible Total K01 # Permit Apps K02 # Permits Issued K03 # Tribal Notices L01 # Violations L02 # Violations Arrrests L03 # Arrests L04 # Cited L05 # ARPA Prosecutions L06 # Other Prosecutions L07 # ARPA Misdem Convict L08 # Other Misdem Convict L09 # ARPA Felonies Convict L10 # Other Felonies Convict L11 # Indiv Liable L12 # Cases Guilty L13 # Cases Not Guilty L14 $ Fines L15 $ Restitute L16 $ Restore L17 $ Reward L18 $ Seized Property L19 $ Law Cost


[Top of Page]

SRC Data 1985-2013

Fiscal_Year Agency_Acronym B01 # Partners B02 $ Partners B03 # Hrs Volunteer B04 $ Volunteer C01 Overview D01 # File Checks D02 # Field Studies D03 Annual # Acres Inventoried D04 Annual # Sites D05 # Sites Elegible D06 # Sites Protect E01 # Data Recovery E02 # Sites Data Recovery F01 # Unant Discovery F02 # Unant DataRec H01 # Curated H02 # Cataloged H03 # Ft Records H04 # Fed Museums H05 # NonFed Museums I01 $ CRM Allocate I02 $ Othr Allocate J01 Cumulative # Acres J02 Cumulative # Sites J03 # Sites NRHP Total J04 # Sites Eligible Total J05 # Sites Ineligible Total K01 # Permit Apps K02 # Permits Issued K03 # Tribal Notices L01 # Violations L02 # Violations Arrrests L03 # Arrests L04 # Cited L05 # ARPA Prosecutions L06 # Other Prosecutions L07 # ARPA Misdem Convict L08 # Other Misdem Convict L09 # ARPA Felonies Convict L10 # Other Felonies Convict L11 # Indiv Liable L12 # Cases Guilty L13 # Cases Not Guilty L14 $ Fines L15 $ Restitute L16 $ Restore L17 $ Reward L18 $ Seized Property L19 $ Law Cost


[Top of Page]

SRC Data 1985-2013

Fiscal_Year Agency_Acronym B01 # Partners B02 $ Partners B03 # Hrs Volunteer B04 $ Volunteer C01 Overview D01 # File Checks D02 # Field Studies D03 Annual # Acres Inventoried D04 Annual # Sites D05 # Sites Elegible D06 # Sites Protect E01 # Data Recovery E02 # Sites Data Recovery F01 # Unant Discovery F02 # Unant DataRec H01 # Curated H02 # Cataloged H03 # Ft Records H04 # Fed Museums H05 # NonFed Museums I01 $ CRM Allocate I02 $ Othr Allocate J01 Cumulative # Acres J02 Cumulative # Sites J03 # Sites NRHP Total J04 # Sites Eligible Total J05 # Sites Ineligible Total K01 # Permit Apps K02 # Permits Issued K03 # Tribal Notices L01 # Violations L02 # Violations Arrrests L03 # Arrests L04 # Cited L05 # ARPA Prosecutions L06 # Other Prosecutions L07 # ARPA Misdem Convict L08 # Other Misdem Convict L09 # ARPA Felonies Convict L10 # Other Felonies Convict L11 # Indiv Liable L12 # Cases Guilty L13 # Cases Not Guilty L14 $ Fines L15 $ Restitute L16 $ Restore L17 $ Reward L18 $ Seized Property L19 $ Law Cost


[Top of Page]

SRC Data 1985-2013

Fiscal_Year Agency_Acronym B01 # Partners B02 $ Partners B03 # Hrs Volunteer B04 $ Volunteer C01 Overview D01 # File Checks D02 # Field Studies D03 Annual # Acres Inventoried D04 Annual # Sites D05 # Sites Elegible D06 # Sites Protect E01 # Data Recovery E02 # Sites Data Recovery F01 # Unant Discovery F02 # Unant DataRec H01 # Curated H02 # Cataloged H03 # Ft Records H04 # Fed Museums H05 # NonFed Museums I01 $ CRM Allocate I02 $ Othr Allocate J01 Cumulative # Acres J02 Cumulative # Sites J03 # Sites NRHP Total J04 # Sites Eligible Total J05 # Sites Ineligible Total K01 # Permit Apps K02 # Permits Issued K03 # Tribal Notices L01 # Violations L02 # Violations Arrrests L03 # Arrests L04 # Cited L05 # ARPA Prosecutions L06 # Other Prosecutions L07 # ARPA Misdem Convict L08 # Other Misdem Convict L09 # ARPA Felonies Convict L10 # Other Felonies Convict L11 # Indiv Liable L12 # Cases Guilty L13 # Cases Not Guilty L14 $ Fines L15 $ Restitute L16 $ Restore L17 $ Reward L18 $ Seized Property L19 $ Law Cost


[Top of Page]

SRC Data 1985-2013

Fiscal_Year Agency_Acronym B01 # Partners B02 $ Partners B03 # Hrs Volunteer B04 $ Volunteer C01 Overview D01 # File Checks D02 # Field Studies D03 Annual # Acres Inventoried D04 Annual # Sites D05 # Sites Elegible D06 # Sites Protect E01 # Data Recovery E02 # Sites Data Recovery F01 # Unant Discovery F02 # Unant DataRec H01 # Curated H02 # Cataloged H03 # Ft Records H04 # Fed Museums H05 # NonFed Museums I01 $ CRM Allocate I02 $ Othr Allocate J01 Cumulative # Acres J02 Cumulative # Sites J03 # Sites NRHP Total J04 # Sites Eligible Total J05 # Sites Ineligible Total K01 # Permit Apps K02 # Permits Issued K03 # Tribal Notices L01 # Violations L02 # Violations Arrrests L03 # Arrests L04 # Cited L05 # ARPA Prosecutions L06 # Other Prosecutions L07 # ARPA Misdem Convict L08 # Other Misdem Convict L09 # ARPA Felonies Convict L10 # Other Felonies Convict L11 # Indiv Liable L12 # Cases Guilty L13 # Cases Not Guilty L14 $ Fines L15 $ Restitute L16 $ Restore L17 $ Reward L18 $ Seized Property L19 $ Law Cost

Agency Codes

The codes in this table track with agency abbreviations as of 2013.
Code Agency Name
AF Air Force
ANG Air National Guard
ARNG Army National Guard
BIA Bureau of Indian Affairs
BLM Bureau of Land Management
BOEM Bureau of Ocean Energy Management
BOP Bureau of Prisons
BOR Bureau of Reclamation
CBP Customs and Border Protection
CEQ Council On Environmental Quality
CG Coast Guard
COE Army Corps of Engineers (ACE)
COMM Department of Commerce
CPD Community Planning and Development Department
DHS Department of Homeland Security
DOA Department of the Army
DOD Department of Defense
DOE Department of Energy
DOI Department of the Interior
DOJ Department of Justice
DOL Department of Labor
DOS Department of State
DOT Department of Transportation
ED Department of Education
EDA Economic Development Administration
EPA Environmental Protection Agency
FAA Federal Aviation Administration
FCC Federal Communications Commission
FED Federal Compliance - State & Local
FEMA Federal Emergency Management Agency
FERC Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
FHA Farmers Home Administration
FHWA Federal Highway Administration
FMHA Farmers Home Administration
FRA Federal Railroad Administration
FS U.S.Forest Service (USFS)
FSA Farm Service Agency
FTA Federal Transit Administration
FWS Fish and Wildlife Service
GSA General Services Administration
HHS Health and Human Services Department
HUD Housing and Urban Development Department
IBWC International Boundary and Water Commission
ICC Interstate Commerce Commission
INS Immigration and Naturalization Service
MMS Minerals Management Service
NASA National Aeronautics & Space Administration
NCPC National Capitol Planning Commission
NOAA National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
NPS National Park Service
NRC Nuclear Regulatory Commission
NRCS Natural Resource Conservation Service
NSF National Science Foundation
OIA Office of International Affairs
OSM Office of Surface Mining
OSMRE Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement
OTIA Office of Territorial and International Affairs
RDS Rural Development Service
REA Rural Electrification Administration
RHS Rural Housing Service
RTC Resolution Trust Corporation
RUS Rural Utilities Service
SBA Small Business Administration
SCS Soil Conservation Service
SI Smithsonian Institution
SLSDC St. Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation
TVA Tennessee Valley Authority
UMTA Urban Mass Transportation Administration
UN United Nations
USBM U.S. Bureau of Mines
USDA U.S. Department of Agriculture
USDT U.S. Department of the Treasury
USGS U.S. Geological Survey
USMC U.S. Marine Corps
USN U.S. Navy
USPS U.S. Postal Service
VA Veterans Administration
(Abbreviations in the Secretary's Report to Congress on the Federal Archeology Program for individual agencies may vary.)

Last updated: June 2, 2022