
Feasibility and Hope: Planning the Return of California Quail to the Presidio

By Wildlife Ecologist Dr. Phoebe Parker-Shames, Presidio Trust

Group of two larger and nine smaller quail crossing the double yellow line of tree-lined street.
California quail family in the Presidio in 2000. By 2008, the last remnant of a once-thriving natural population was gone.

Damien Raffa / Presidio Trust

November 2023 - The Presidio Trust is in the planning phase for a reintroduction of California quail. Quail used to be abundant in the Presidio. They played an important seed-dispersal role, and visitors could watch them and hear their distinctive calls throughout the park. However, habitat loss and predation by feral cats led to their decline. By 2008, the last remnant of a once-thriving natural population was gone. The Trust is now planning to bring back these ecosystem services and experiences for people by returning quail to the Presidio.

Since 2019, the Presidio has collaborated with the San Francisco Estuary Institute to lay the foundations for a potential reintroduction. The final report of this partnership, The Case for Quail Reintroduction, is a two-part assessment of the benefits and feasibility of a potential reintroduction effort. The report is now available on the Presidio website. It builds on previous research that indicated the Presidio’s restoration efforts, combined with the return of coyotes, have created favorable conditions for quail.

The first part of the report focuses on the benefits of quail reintroduction, particularly how they contribute to favorable mental health and a sense of place. The report reflects the Presidio’s commitment to engage the community in the reintroduction effort, and lays out opportunities for a public campaign, volunteer opportunities, and possible social science applications.

Older photo of a male quail with a distinct black face and forehead feather plume, perched on the top of a post in front of pink flowering shrubs. He is also wearing a set of colored leg bands.
California quail in the Presidio contribute to favorable mental health and a sense of place. Previous research indicated the Presidio’s restoration efforts, combined with the return of coyotes, have created favorable conditions for their reintroduction.

Damien Raffa / Presidio Trust

The second part of the report assesses the feasibility of a Presidio quail reintroduction by modeling extinction probabilities given different ranges of management actions. Estuary Institute researchers provided model outcome estimates on multiple decisions the Presidio will have to make, including reintroduction numbers, sex ratios, estimated carrying capacity, inbreeding impacts, and reintroduction timing. They gave recommendations on reintroduction approaches, possible management actions the Trust might consider, and post-reintroduction needs.

Together, this report helps Presidio wildlife managers assess the best methods for bringing back a beloved species while engaging the public in a successful reintroduction process. The Presidio aims to start the reintroduction process within the next two years.

This reintroduction is meaningful not only for the California quail specifically, but for urban biodiversity management broadly. With the current global biodiversity and climate crises, urban reintroductions like this will increasingly be a tool managers use to support healthy ecosystems. The lessons the Presidio learns in this process will be valuable to others seeking to reintroduce urban species and manage for biodiversity and human engagement long term.

For more information

We are still in the planning phase and can use the input and support of others, including those simply excited about the project, as well as experts on quail capture and management. Want to get involved?

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Golden Gate National Recreation Area, Presidio of San Francisco

Last updated: February 1, 2024