
Laying the groundwork for the future of Rocky Mountain National Park

a woman stands in front of a mountain view holding a flat hat
Rocky Mountain National Park Superintendent Darla Sidles

An interview with Superintendent Darla Sidles

In August 2020, we celebrated 104 years of NPS and the 100th anniversary of the 19th amendment, which gave women the right to vote. As we reflect on our history, we can't help but look toward the future. Let's get to know the woman who is laying the groundwork for the future of Rocky Mountain National Park (RMNP): Superintendent Darla Sidles. Darla has served as superintendent since August of 2016; the first female to fill the role in Rocky’s 105 year history. We sat down for an interview to hear her thoughts on what makes the National Park Service unique, how it can provide opportunities, and what the future of Rocky Mountain National Park might look like.

RMNP: What do you think makes the National Park Service’s mission of preserving and protecting resources so important?

DS: I think the National Park Service is very unique in its mission. There are a lot of other land management agencies, including federal, state, county, etc., but the National Park Service's mission of not only preserving resources, but also providing those resources for the enjoyment of the people, is a very unique one. That mission has always really spoken to me. We have such a wide diversity of parks across the service that tell the story of our American heritage, from large western wilderness parks like Rocky, to important historic sites such as the Vietnam Veterans Memorial, to parks that tell the story of the American civil rights movement such as the Martin Luther King Jr. National Historical Park or Women’s Rights National Historical Park. I love seeing the enjoyment on people's faces when they come to the parks and have the opportunity to experience nature or learn about our nation's history, and be inspired by our American heritage. It's just such a rich mission and I feel very privileged to be part of the Park Service.

RMNP: What role do you think the National Park Service can play in empowering women in conservation and public lands management?

DS: I’ve been with the Park Service for a little over 30 years. We’ve made a lot of progress in hiring and promoting women. I think that is still an ongoing challenge and goal, but the NPS needs to expand that further; not just regarding the hiring and promotion of women, but to people of color, both male and female. I think the National Park Service can play a tremendous role in providing opportunities for jobs, support, encouragement, and training. When I was superintendent at Saguaro National Park, we started a program that brought in a lot of diverse students and provided an opportunity for them to work alongside seasoned employees. It was a great opportunity that set students on a path for jobs with the Park Service. We're going to be starting a program like that here at Rocky soon, and I’m really looking forward to it. I think the Park Service can and must diversify our team and create those opportunities for growth.

RMNP: What perspectives do you think you bring to Rocky Mountain National Park that maybe past superintendents didn't have?

DS: Being the first female superintendent in Rocky’s history certainly gives me a different outlook, but I feel that I've got a very wide-ranging perspective. I’ve been fortunate to work in numerous wilderness parks like Denali, Big Bend, Arches, Saguaro, and Zion. But I’ve also had the opportunity to go in the complete opposite direction and work in urban areas such as Philadelphia, at Independence National Historical Park, and to serve as a legislative aide to policymakers in Washington, D.C. So, I’ve had amazing opportunities to see many aspects of the Park Service. Over the course of my career I’ve been a wilderness ranger, an interpretation ranger, and a biological technician. I’ve worked in dispatch, on trail crew, in vegetation management, and park planning. All those experiences help provide a broad understanding of the challenges that parks and park staff face, and the resources that staff need to be successful.

RMNP: What advice would you give to women who are starting a career with the National Park Service?

DS: I started my career as a Student Conservation Association volunteer, making $35 a week. So, lots of good ramen and peanut butter. It was living large for sure. (Laughter) But it did get my foot in the door. I’d tell anyone just starting out to be willing to take those positions that may not be exactly what you want at the time, but could create a path to something that you really are interested in. Also, surround yourself with good mentors, both male and female. Find people who will support you and encourage you to keep taking different steps toward your goals. I think it’s vital to build relationships. It’s so important to learn to work with others, to understand others, and to really listen. When you do that, you can really work for the good of the team and for the good of the mission.

RMNP: How would you say that the National Park Service has changed since you started your career 30 years ago? In what ways would you like to see it continue to change?

DS: It’s changed significantly. For starters, back when I began there were very few female superintendents. Early in my career, I met a well-known, female Regional Director. She sat me down and told me: “You’ve got to be ready for this. You’ve got to be strong, and you've got to be confident and bold.” I think she was absolutely right about that. We have many more women working in leadership positions in the Park Service now, which is wonderful. We need to go even further in terms of diversifying our NPS team. I want the parks to be seen as everyone’s parks; from the perspective of the staff as well as our visitors. The parks aren’t just for a certain demographic; the National Parks belong to every single person, and that needs to be the future of the National Parks. We need to continue to find ways to welcome new visitors to their parks, to manage park visitation so that visitors have opportunities for outstanding experiences, and we must continue to protect and preserve these amazing public lands so that they’re here for generations to come.

RMNP: Lastly, what is something that you think makes Rocky unique that visitors might not know?

DS: I think many people come here for the recognizable Rocky Mountains, for the scenery and wildlife, and for the wonderful recreational opportunities, but the park also has an incredibly rich history. The human story of this region goes back to the Native American people who were here 10,000 years ago and are still here today. From there, settlers, gold and silver miners, and the birth of tourism in the area contributed to the establishment of the park in 1915. That history is probably not as well known to most visitors, but it is a very compelling part of the park story! We have good relationships with park affiliated tribes, and we're consulting with them on park projects, and developing programs to help educate visitors about their historic and contemporary connections and contributions to the park. There’s some great work going on right now and I look forward to sharing the results with park visitors soon. The park has a rich history, and I think it should be a part of the experience here at Rocky Mountain National Park.

Thank you to Superintendent Sidles for taking the time to speak with us and for her many years of service to the National Park Service!

Last updated: August 25, 2020