Last updated: May 14, 2022
Petersburg Then and Now
Below are historic photos and a modern day photo taken roughtly from the same location.
Move the slider to the left and right.
How many differences can you spot?
We will list our answers at the bottom of the page. Can you find more differences than we did?
Appomattox Plantation House
Left image
Summer 1864
Credit: LOC
Right image
Spring 2022
Credit: NPS
Grants Cabin
Left image
Circa 1865
Credit: LOC
Right image
Credit: NPS
Crater Tunnel
Left image
Crater tunnel entrance
Credit: NPS
Right image
Crater tunnel entrance -2022
Credit: NPS
Visitor Center
Left image
Credit: NPS
Right image
Credit: NPS
Poplar Grove National Cemetery
Left image
Entrance to Poplar Grove National Cemetery
Credit: NPS
Right image
Entrance to Poplar Grove National Cemetery
Credit: NPS
Overgrown vegetation
Path to the door
Chimney on left is different
- Eight cabins
- More trees
- Path to tunnel is a different width
- No stairs on the side slopes in the second image
The moden picture has:
Cannons on display
Split rail fence
Sign on side of building
- Overgrown vegitation
- Can't see a gate
- The headstones are not visible