
Pacific West Regional Awards for Cultural Resources

Each year, the National Park Service (NPS) recognizes three employees from the Pacific West Region for their dedication to preserving cultural resources for this and future generations. In addition to preserving tracts of wilderness and iconic landscapes, the NPS is charged with caring for the nation’s cultural heritage. NPS employees restore historic buildings, care for artifacts, operate museums, co-steward parks lands with Tribal partners, and share the history of these important sites with the public. This annual award recognizes three individuals for their creativity and outstanding contributions to this mission.
Rock on coastal cliff in sunset
2021 Awards for Cultural Resoures

Learn about the 2021 winners from the NPS Pacific West Region!

Deep pink sunset over rocky islands in Pacific Ocean. Reads “2022 Cultural Resource Awards"
2022 Regional Cultural Resource Awards

Learn about the 2022 winners from the NPS Pacific West Region!

Last updated: May 15, 2023