
Outer Brewster Island Plants

In a two-year project funded by the Island Alliance to study the vegetation of the Boston Harbor Islands National Park Area, 32 islands were surveyed and inventoried for vascular plant species. Field surveys began on 9 June 2001 and ended on 30 September 2002.

Below is the data collected for Outer Brewster Island.

Data Notes:
* = introduced species
(v) = voucher specimen
(p) = photograph

Due to formatting restrictions, species scientific names are not italicized in the data table.
Plant information on Outer Brewster Island

Notes on Habitats and Flora

This list is incomplete. Outer Brewster was visited only once, on July 3, for just over an hour. It merits another, more thorough survey.

Outer Brewster’s habitats are similar to those of Middle Brewster, primarily upland shrub thickets and open patches of perennial forbs, but the vegetation is more varied. There is a small, moist thicket downslope (east) of the Battery Jewell fortifications, which has a plant association typical of moist soils (including Apios americana, Epilobium hirsutum, Impatiens capensis, and Salix bebbiana). The only trees noted on the island were one individual each of apple (Malus pumila), black cherry (Prunus serotina), and Siberian elm (Ulmus pumila).

Boston Harbor Islands National Recreation Area

Last updated: August 31, 2021