Last updated: October 2, 2021
October birthdays for 2 sons
The eldest sons of President and Mrs. Garfield were born in October. Harry Augustus Garfield was born on October 11, 1863. James R. Garfield was born on October 17, 1865.
Harry Augustus, known in the family as Hal, was born in Hiram, Ohio, and for months remained unnamed. Because he was born just weeks after the Battle of Chickamauga, he was soon being called “Little Chickamauga.” Eventually he was named for two of James Garfield’s intimates, J. Harrison Rhodes and Augustus Williams.
James Rudolph, or Jimmie, was also born in Hiram. His name is derived from both of his parents. He was named for his father and his mother, Lucretia, whose maiden name was Rudolph. (The name Rudolph is still used in has continued to be used in the Garfield family to the present time.)
As children, the boys were studies in contrast; Hal was the quiet, reserved, dutiful son, the apple of his grandmother Eliza’s eye. Conversely, Jimmie was the emotionally volatile child, “good as gold” one minute and impossible the next, according to his mother. At four and a half, he threatened a playmate, Charlie Blair, “You shan’t strike my brother. If you do, I’ll smack you in the mouth.” (Charlie Blair did bully Harry, apparently.)
Hal and Jim Garfield, like the siblings who came after them, began writing to family members early in life.
Harry Augustus, known in the family as Hal, was born in Hiram, Ohio, and for months remained unnamed. Because he was born just weeks after the Battle of Chickamauga, he was soon being called “Little Chickamauga.” Eventually he was named for two of James Garfield’s intimates, J. Harrison Rhodes and Augustus Williams.
James Rudolph, or Jimmie, was also born in Hiram. His name is derived from both of his parents. He was named for his father and his mother, Lucretia, whose maiden name was Rudolph. (The name Rudolph is still used in has continued to be used in the Garfield family to the present time.)
As children, the boys were studies in contrast; Hal was the quiet, reserved, dutiful son, the apple of his grandmother Eliza’s eye. Conversely, Jimmie was the emotionally volatile child, “good as gold” one minute and impossible the next, according to his mother. At four and a half, he threatened a playmate, Charlie Blair, “You shan’t strike my brother. If you do, I’ll smack you in the mouth.” (Charlie Blair did bully Harry, apparently.)
Hal and Jim Garfield, like the siblings who came after them, began writing to family members early in life.
Portige [sic] County Hiram Ohio
August 3, 1872
Dear Papa and Mamma,
I hope you got there safely. Jimmy’s side is all most well he has let Aunt Nellie bathe him every night but last night. … I have taken my medicine every day. I did not go to school yesterday because I wanted to see grandaa [sic] build his wood house. … that night after you left aunt emiline [sic] came and stade [sic] all day. Jimmy cride [sic] after we got home.
Harry A. Garfield, 8 years old.
April 18, 1873
Dear Papa,
I have binn [sic] a good boy in school and got a merit badge all the while you was gone away[.] Harry says mamma is 41 years old tomorrow[.] I went to the show[.] A man jumped through a hoop filled with knives. There was a little boy 3 years old. My words are yellow and purple. Harry says he forgot to tell you his words.
James R. Garfield, 7 years old
James R. and Harry continued the habit of letter-writing to the ends of their lives. Like their father, they also kept diaries that spanned decades.