Last updated: September 21, 2021
Lupine, a controversial plant

Photo by Dusty Warner, NPS
This does not mean that Bigleaf lupine is always harmful, however. It is a good source of nectar for pollinating insects and has been known to attract hummingbirds. This plant also provides regulating ecosystem services, as it has deep roots that help prevent erosion, as well as supporting services, as it is a legume and thus fixes nitrogen and returns it to the soil.
These invasive plants along roads in the park have been controversial. The National Park Service prioritizes protecting native species and works to eliminate nonnative invasive species. Currently, the park removes Bigleaf lupine when it encroaches upon natural habitat.
This species spreads like any recognized invasive plant and it has displaced both rare and common Maine plants. Lupine could have an impact on the migratory monarch butterfly because it crowds out native milkweed. The larva of the monarch depends on milkweed as its host plant; it cannot eat lupine.
Outside of the park anyone is free to grow the nonnative species. Bigleaf lupine in its native range – the Pacific Northwest – is an integral part of some western ecosystems. But we should not assume that Bigleaf lupine in Maine is harmless.