
Hangman Island Plants

In a two-year project funded by the Island Alliance to study the vegetation of the Boston Harbor Islands National Park Area, 32 islands were surveyed and inventoried for vascular plant species. Field surveys began on 9 June 2001 and ended on 30 September 2002.

Below is the data collected for Hangman Island.

Data Notes:
* = introduced species
(v) = voucher specimen
(p) = photograph

Due to formatting restrictions, species scientific names are not italicized in the data table.
Plant information on Hangman Island
Species_Scientific_Name Species_Common_Name Family Date_Observed Habitat

Notes on Habitats and Flora

Most of the vegetation on this tiny island is resticted to stony, open ground on the island’s west side. As the species mix indicates, it consists primarily of perennial forbs, with ragweed, wild radish, and bittersweet nightshade especially abundant. There is a small salt marsh pocket in the central part of the island with a large patch of saltmarsh cordgrass.

Boston Harbor Islands National Recreation Area

Last updated: August 30, 2021