
Cultural Landscape Apprentices Address Deferred Maintenance Projects, Learn Career Skills at San Antonio Missions National Historical Park

Cultural Landscape Apprentices and Park Rangers pose in front of Mission San Jose.
Cultural Landscape Apprentices learn valuable job skills during their time at San Antonio Missions National Historical Park.

NPS Photo.

Join us in extending a warm welcome to our new Cultural Landscape Apprentices! These apprentices will work alongside National Park Service staff to learn important job skills and address deferred maintenance projects such as grounds and acequia preservation, irrigation system management, landscape bed rehabilitation, and associated tasks during their time at San Antonio Missions National Historical Park. The Cultural Landscape Apprentice Program is specifically designed to engage local Latinx young adults ages 18-28 who are interested in developing career skills in preservation of cultural resources. The program is made possible in partnership with Mission Heritage Partners, National Park Foundation, and Texas Conservation Corps (American YouthWorks.)

Learn more about the Cultural Landscape Apprentice Program:
National Park Foundation Funds Apprenticeships For Local Hispanic and Latino Young Adults at San Antonio Missions National Historical Park | National Park Foundation (

Learn more about projects at San Antonio Missions National Historical Park that are supported by Mission Heritage Partners:
Projects – Mission Heritage Partners

San Antonio Missions National Historical Park

Last updated: May 7, 2021