
August 2, 1787: A Day in Motion

Oil on canvas of Jefferson facing left.
Thomas Jefferson by Charles Willson Peale

Independence National Historical Park

"By the Mary capt Howland lately sailed from Havre to N. York I shipped three boxes of books one marked I.M. for yourself, one marked B.F. for Doctr. Franklin, & one marked W.H. for William Hay in Richmond."

--Thomas Jefferson to James Madison

Thursday, August 2, 1787: The Convention Today
The five-member Committee of Detail continued drafting the Constitution for the further consideration of the Convention, which remained adjourned while the committee worked.
  • The Convention was now a week into its recess and would reassemble in four days.
Delegates Today
  • Johnson (CT), travelling from Connecticut, arrived in New York early, and stayed with his daughter and son-in-law, the VerPlanks.
  • Butler (SC) arrived in New York and took his seat in the Confederation Congress, where only eight states were currently represented by their congressmen. A committee considering the request of Virginia for credit to cover the costs of an expedition against the Indians recommended that the request not be granted. Two of the three Virginia delegates used the procedures of Congress to get the report voted down—six states in favor, Virginia opposed.
  • Thomas Jefferson wrote to Madison (VA) from Paris enclosing a bill for the books Jefferson had purchased for him.
Philadelphia Today
  • Today was clear and much warmer than yesterday. The median temperature rose to 75°.
  • Dr. Hoffman, a self-identified “High German” at the upper end of Front Street opposite Mr. Coat’s tannery, advertised that he cured venereal diseases.

Part of a series of articles titled The Constitutional Convention: A Day by Day Account for August 1 to 15, 1787.

Independence National Historical Park

Last updated: September 22, 2023