
August 12, 1787: Recess

Pastel profile portrait of Richard Dobbs Spaight
Richard Dobbs Spaight by James Sharples

Independence National Historical Park

"I am in hopes that we shall be able to get through it by the 1st or 15th of September."

--Richard Dobbs Spaight

Sunday, August 12, 1787: The Convention Today

The Convention was enjoying its customary Sunday recess.

In the week since its twelve-day recess, the Convention had received, studied, and worked on the draft Constitution prepared by the Committee of Detail. Agreement had been reached on a government of supreme legislative, executive, and judicial power. The delegates had gone almost all the way through the articles in the draft Constitution pertaining to the composition, election, and privileges of the legislature.

While much remained to be done, the more optimistic members were planning on a mid-September end.

  • The Convention was adjourned this Sunday.
Delegates Today
  • Johnson (CT) dined with the noted Quaker attorney William Lewis at a mansion, now called Woodford, overlooking the Schuylkill River.
  • Washington (VA) dined in what is now Fairmount Park with William Hamilton at the latter’s Bush Hill seat.
  • Madison (VA) wrote to his father: “It is not possible yet to determine the period to which the Session will be spun out. It must be some weeks from this date at least and possibly may be computed by months. Eleven States are on the ground, and have generally been so, since the second or third week of the Session. Rhode Island is one of the absent States. She has never yet appointed deputies. N.H. till of late was the other. That State is now represented. But just before the arrival of her deputies, those of N. York left us. We have till within a few days had very cool weather. It is now pleasant, after a fine rain.”
Philadelphia Today
  • The day was clear and pleasant.

Part of a series of articles titled The Constitutional Convention: A Day by Day Account for August 1 to 15, 1787.

Independence National Historical Park

Last updated: September 22, 2023