Last updated: August 8, 2023
Columbia River Gorge

Many multi-partner collaborations in the Pacific Northwest are underway to tackle management of the highly visited Columbia River Gorge. Full of stunning and diverse resources, the gorge has been declared one of the Seven Wonders of Oregon, and includes gems such as the Crown Point National Natural Landmark. Located within the Crown Point State Scenic Corridor and providing the perch for the historic Vista House, Crown Point rises nearly 700 feet above the Columbia River, providing a strategic vantage point for observing a classic illustration of riverine processes.
Examples of recent and ongoing collaboratives include Sustainable Trail Co-Visioning with Oregon State Park managers and the U.S. Forest Service, Columbia River Gorge National Scenic Area. This effort is engaging and receiving input from state and federal agencies, non-profit and tribal organizations, partner groups and the general public “to build shared understanding and a common vision for a socially, ecologically, and economically sustainable trail system” within the Columbia River Gorge.
Let's Talk Trash is a collaborative public outreach campaign to highlight the effects of trash and provide resources and tips to visitors for ensuring long-term "protection of the gorge, wildlife heath, public safety and the strength of its communities."
Learn more about National Natural Landmarks.