
Camping Recipes: Corn on the Cob

You know it’s summer when you start to see bins overflowing with sweet corn at your local grocery store or farmers market. Corn on the cob is the perfect item to buy for your next camping adventure — it doesn’t need to be refrigerated and does not require too much prep work. Here are some popular ways to cook and eat this summer staple and some tips to picking out the perfect ear of corn.

How to pick the best cobs at the store or market:

  • The best time to buy corn at the store is July and August
  • You want to buy a sweet corn variety
  • You can check to see if the corn is good without peeling off the husk by just gently pressing along the cob to feel for empty patches which usually means some sort of critter got to it. If the very end is not filled out, that is just fine.

recipe card of campfire corn with multiple ways of how to cook corn on a campfire

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Last updated: June 16, 2022