Last updated: July 28, 2020
Build Your Own Parfleche
NPS Photo
Parfleches were the “suitcases” of the Plains Indian tribes. The traditional colors found on parfleche were blue, red, yellow, green, brown, and black. The designs varied by tribe and were usually symmetrical, geometric, or abstract.
Parfleche Ranger Talk
Park Ranger Leif Halvorson describes Parfleche construction and uses for American Indians on the Northern Plains.
- Duration:
- 7 minutes, 52 seconds
Please ask a parent, guardian, or adult to help you with these instructions if you are under age 10.
You will need a library pocket, construction paper, a manila folder, or anything that you can make into a pocket. Punch holes around the sides.
- You will then thread the needle through the top of the first hole in the pocket. It doesn’t matter left or right. You can tie the end of their thread in that hole (double knot)
- You can then thread the needle through going back and forth in a straight stitch, back stitch, or you can experiment to make a unique stitch. (Remember with experimenting that you only have so much thread and shouldn’t run out before you finish all the way around).
- When you finish stitching the pocket all the way around, you can tie off the thread at the end (double knotting again) to finish with the thread and cut it with a scissors.
- You can then decorate your parfleche pocket with crayons, markers, stamps, etc.
- Take a photo of your pouch and post it to our Facebook page.
Parfleche Activity
Park Ranger Kristen Norgaard walks you through how to make your own parfleche.
- Duration:
- 3 minutes, 14 seconds