Last updated: August 7, 2023
Project Profile: Connect Local Community with Cultural Landscapes
Bipartisan Infrastructure Law
Recreation | FY23 $100,000
The National Park Service will restore 80 acres of grasslands in the area of the Seip Earthworks in Hopewell Culture National Historical Park. The project, done in collaboration with Pheasants Forever/Quail Forever, will involve preparing the site and planting a mix of native warm-season grasses and forbs.
Why? Restoring grasslands increases suitable habitat for birds, pollinators and wildlife. Visitors can walk along scenic nature trails and view the earthworks and enjoy the wildlife. In addition, restoring grasslands protects important archeological resources from erosion and looting.
What Else? Students from the adjacent high school who use the site as a living classroom will be able to experience the restored grasslands. This project will add to the 300 acres of restored grasslands in the park and improve ecological processes that benefit the health of both natural and human communities in Appalachia