
Army Pie Recipe

Pie, apple or fruit

35 pounds apples, fresh or 7 pounds apples, evaporated, or 3 cans apples (No. 10 cans)
3 pounds of sugar
3 lemons
¾ ounce cinnamon

Fresh apples. - Peel, core, and cut into eighths. Add sugar, lemon, and cinnamon, and cook in a pan until medium soft, but not mushy. Avoid unnecessary stirring which breaks the apples.
Evaporated apples. - Soak into pie crust, add sugar, lemon, and cinnamon, then bake.
Canned apples. - Put into pie crust, add sugar, lemon, and cinnamon, then bake.

The quantity of sugar and spices used in the stew will have to be increased or decreased depending upon the tartness of the apples. Make the pies with double crust and bake about 40 minutes in a quick oven (400 – 450 degrees F. - 9 to 12 counts). Many fruits may be substituted for the apples, as apricots, peaches, cherries, pineapples, etc.

This recipe and instructions are brought to you directly from the The Army Cook, TM 10-405, without alteration. (Pg. 215-216)

Aleutian Islands World War II National Historic Area

Last updated: December 13, 2020