Last updated: October 17, 2024
Archaic Period - 3,200 to 11,450 Years Ago
Tool Shapers
Archeologists dubbed those who lived in the Archaic period as Tool Shapers, these individuals were efficient and diversified in their everyday life. Rather than relying on hunting large games as their main source of nourishment, they focused more on gathering vegetable foods, fishing, and hunting and trapping small woodland animals. They made elaborate tools such as bone fishhooks, fire-starting drills, and spear-throwers.NPS Photo, NGS (atlatl tip)
With the population of large Ice Age mammals in decline, the Archaic people catered their hunting methods toward the smaller, more agile woodland animals. Based on the amount of deer bones found inside of Russell Cave, deer was by far the most preferred game animal. To match the speed of their faster prey, the band of hunters began hurling their spears using a specialized stick that had a hook at one end. This invention would later be known as the “atlatl” (aht-la-tul or ahtul-ahtul), an Aztec word for “spear-thrower”. Per user, the atlatl could be further modified with a counterweight, inserted handle and tip, and ornaments. The customized handle and tip as well as the ornaments were mainly for aesthetic and comfort that offers little to no improvement to the performance of the atlatl. However, the counterweight, or also known as the bannerstone, added additional weight to the atlatl and enhances the velocity and accuracy of the spears.
NPS Photo
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NPS Photo