
Appalachian Highlands Network Newsletter

Two people walking across rocks and vegetation in the forest
Our rich coves crew safely navigates a stream crossing down an old trail with stone steps that are nearly invisible now, possibly from the long-gone Buck Springs Lodge near Pisgah.

NPS photo/APHN staff

July 2024 APHN Update

What We Did in June

The APHN Water Quality team serviced sondes and sampled discrete sites at Big South Fork National River and Recreation Area and Obed Wild and Scenic River during the first three weeks. At Blue Ridge Parkway, APHN staff finished sampling the last two of the 26 rich cove (exploited plants) plots scheduled for this year. Additionally, 50 random points were visited at the parkway to determine if further monitoring plots need to be installed. The network also assisted with clearing mussels from horse crossings at Big South Fork National River and Recreation Area June 8-9.

What We Have Planned for July

Emma and Briley will be collecting discrete water samples and servicing sondes all month at Big South Fork National River and Recreation Area and Obed Wild and Scenic River. Early in the month, APHN staff will be at Blue Ridge Parkway finishing visits to random points to decide whether any additional plots need to be added to the sampling panel for rich cove (exploited plants) monitoring.

Recently Published Reports, Products and Notable Activities

  • The APHN staff had a one-day network retreat to discuss ongoing protocol issues and plan for the upcoming few years after which we attended the BISO All-Employee training in Oneida, Tennessee on June 7.

Comings and Goings

The Appalachian Highlands Network welcomed Briley Bledsoe as our hydrology intern in June. Briley is from Chattanooga, Tennessee and recently finished his degree at Tennessee Tech.

For More Information:

Appalachian Highlands Inventory & Monitoring Network (U.S. National Park Service) (

Last updated: August 8, 2024