Have Fun and Stay Safe

You are responsible for your safety.

Natural areas present hazards. Cold temperatures, icy or uneven ground, wild animals, biting insects, and changing weather all pose dangers. Rocks roll, trees topple, and limbs drop without warning. People create other hazards with campfires, traffic, snowplay, and poor decisions.

The National Park Service works to reduce risks, but your safety is in your own hands. Keep alert, read warnings, and ask a ranger for advice.

Información de seguridad en español

A river flows through a steep rocky canyon. Photo by Naoko Otani.
River Safety

The rivers in these parks are powerful and cold, and drowning is our most frequent cause of death. Learn more about river safety.

A group of campers relaxing around a fire.
Fire Restrictions

Learn what level of fire restrictions the parks have enacted and what they entail.

Charred vegetation and blackened leafless shrubs are found along a mountain roadway.
Safety in Burned Areas

Want to safely visit the parks after a fire? Learn more about the warnings signs of potential dangers in burned areas.

A road traverses through the mountainous Kings Canyon National Park.
Driving Mountain Roads

Learn to safely navigate park roads, filled with twists, turns, and steep grades.

An orange tent and two camp chairs is nestled among tall trees in a campground.
Campground Safety

Watch for hazards such as lightning, falling trees and pinecones, and bears seeking human foods.

A black bear steps across a rock alongside a manzanita bush.
Wildlife Safety

Some of our charismatic creatures, such as bears, can pose a danger to visitors.

Poison oak bush
Insect Bites, Diseases, Poisonous Plants

Insects, rodents, and poison oak can be sources of illness and disease.

A hiker near an alpine lake
Trail Safety

High-elevation hiking involves risks. Get safety information to prepare for your trip.

A ranger speaks with two visitors. Photo by Alison Taggart Barone
Laws and Policies

Learn about important park regulations on drone use, firearms, and other activities.

Last updated: May 31, 2024

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Contact Info

Mailing Address:

47050 Generals Highway
Three Rivers, CA 93271


559 565-3341

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