USS Arizona Survivors

Service members who survived the Pearl Harbor attack, from left to right: Paul Goodyear, USS Oklahoma; Dale Augerson, USS West Virginia; Gerald Ross, USS Blue; John Seelie, Schofield Barracks; and Ralph Krafnick, USS New Orleans.
Service members who survived the Pearl Harbor attack, from left to right: Paul Goodyear, USS Oklahoma; Dale Augerson, USS West Virginia; Gerald Ross, USS Blue; John Seelie, Schofield Barracks; and Ralph Krafnick, USS New Orleans.



The List of Service Members

This page honors the brave men who survived the attack on the USS Arizona during the bombing of Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941. Their names symbolize the resilience and courage shown on that tragic day. Each name represents a life forever connected to the legacy of the USS Arizona and the events that shaped our history.


USS Arizona Survivors: December 7, 1941

United States Navy
Charles A. Amacher, Sea1c John D. Anderson, BM2c Walter F. Bagby, SF3c
Masten A. Ball, F1c Galen O. Ballard, F1c DeWayne Barth, BM1c
Edward F. Bass, F2c William N. Baumeister, ACMM Harvey H. Becker, GM2c
Edwin W. Bemis, Sea1c Earl D. Bennett, GM3c George A. Berdollt, FC3c
Leroy A. Bird, CTC Estelle Birdsell, MM1 Daniel T. Birtwell, Lt. Comdr.
Edward R. Bodey, BM2c Andrew J. Bowen, Jr., CMM Harry F. Bradshaw, Sea1c
John Braydis, Sea1c Gene R. Brown,Sea1c Robert J. Browning, Sea2c
John F. Bruce, GM3c Lauren F. Bruner, FC3c Martin B. Bruns, Y2c
Herbert V. Buehl, F3c Jimmie C. Burcham, Sea1c Leland Burk, GM3c
William J. Bush, Ens Ralph D. Byard, CCStd Frank M. Campbell, Ens
George K. Campbell, CTC Ray C. Carlson, Sea2c Carl M. Carson, Sea1c
Edwin R. Chandler, Sea1c Noel B. Chapman, Sea2c William R. Chappell, Sea1c
Harlan C. Christinasen, Sea2c Gordon P. Chung-Hoon, Lt. Marion H. Clouser, GM1c
George W. Coburn, Sea1c Charles W. Coker, Lt. Clyde J. Combs, Sea1c
Daniel J. Condon, Lt(jg) Louis A. Conter, QM3c Lonnie D. Cook, Sea1c
Lloyd E. Coole, Sea1c Norman W. Coplin, Sea1c Ralph V. L. Corbin, Sea1c
Lyle R. Cornelius, Sea2c Ray C. Cosby, Sea1c John M. Cox, Jr., Lt. Comdr.
Francis B. G. Cozad, Sea2c Lee R. Crothers, BM1c Henry M. Cruz, MAtt1c
Donald A. Culp, Sea2c Anthony F. Czarnecki, MM1c Alfred E. Daniel, GM1c
James A. Dare, Ens. Carl E. Davis, GM3c Elvin C. Davis, Sea1c
Henry D. Davison, Ens. William E. Dean, BM1c John D. Dearing, WT2c
Deward Decker, Cox Joseph C. Deserano, Mldr1c William C. A. Dickerson, RM2c
Merle E. Dickinson, GM3c Clarence J. Dobson, GM3c John A. Doherty, CGM
Timothy A. Donegan, Prtr1c John W. Doucett, GM3c Henry B. Duncan, FC3c
Tommie W. Duncan, BM2c Kenneth E. Edmondson, Cox Paul H. Egan, FC3c
Merle Elkins, Sea1c Lawrence E. Elliott, MM1c George W. Ellis, SC1c
James R. Enos, Sea2c Weldon V. Eskew, MM1c John W. Evans, Sea1c
Elmer E. Eversole, Sea1c Lawrence O. Eyman, Sea1c Francis M. Falge, Lt.
Lawrence A. Farquhar, FC2c Paul H. Faulkner, Sea1c Lawrence E. Fay, GM3c
Nathaniel Felton, MAtt1c Jennings P. Field, Ens. William R. Finger, SM1c
Harry L. Fitch, Ens. Guy S. Flanagan, Jr., Ens. Wendell L. Flannery, Cox
Dale F. Flory, WT2c James L. Forbis, Cox James P. Foster, Jr., Sea1c
Ralph E. Fowler, BM1c Robert D. Fowler, Sea2c Glen Frazier, CGM
Everett E. Frye, Sea1c Samuel G. Fuqua, Lt. Comdr. William F. Gallagher, CEM
Jerome H. Garfield, Ens. Walter J. Gaskins, Sea1c Harold W. Gaut, Sea1c
Ellis H. Geiselman, Comdr. Claud C. Gibson, Sea1c Arthur B. Gilbert, Sea1c
Charles M. Gillem, Sea1c Charles E. Gillenwater, Sea1c David W. Gillespie, Sea1c
Richard C. Glenn, Ens. William J. Goldsberry, Sea1c Donald E. Gordon, GM2c
William E. Goshen, Sea1c Leon Grabowsky, Ens. Donald A. Graham, AMM1c
James V. Gray, Sea1c Clay D. Green, Jr., Sea1c James W. Green, GM3c
George E. Grim, GM1c Charles W. Guerin, Jr., Sea1c Andrew Guna, BM1c
Howard G. Haerling, BM1c Raymond J. Haerry, Cox Elsworth F. Hamilton, ACMM
James E. Hamilton, Sea1c Vernon Hand, Sea1c Paul E. Hargis, Y3c
Oliver V. Harr, MM1c Allen B. Harrell, Sea1c Henry S. Harris, Sea1c
John D. Harris, Sea1c James W. Hart, F1c Alfred J. Hartland, Sea1c
Richard Hauff, GM3c Douglas Hein, Ens. Robert H. Heinz, Sea1c
Robert M. Hendon, CGM John W. Henry, Ens. Clarendon R. Hetrick, Sea1c
Richard H. Hill, Y2c John H. Hinton, CSM Clarence O. Hjelle, Sea2c
Fred M. Holland, Sea1c Roy W. Holmes, Sea1c Alfred J. Homann, Lt.
Woodrow R. Hooks, Sea2c Clifford C. Hooper, RM2c John P. Howatt, Ens.
James C. Hughes, Sea1c Lester D. Hull, Sea1c Milton T. Hurst, AMM3c
Edward F. Hutchins, Lt. Peter Huzar, WT1c Charles E. Hyslope, F1c
Donald Inselman, Sea1c Edward J. Janikowski, Cox Warren E. Jeffers, Sea1c
Donald R. Johnson, Sea1c Neil F. Johnson, Cox Brooxey J. Johnston, Jr., GM3c
Hubert H. Jones, CWT Joe F. Karb, CWT C. H. Keener, GM3c
Carl E. Keffer, Sea1c Bruce K. Kelley, Lt. Comdr Guy D. Kirk, Sea1c
Walter M. Kissinger, MM1c Harold J. Kuhn, Sea1c Stanley R. Kurtz, Sea1c
James D. Lancaster, Sea1c Ralph W. Landreth, GM2c Glenn H. Lane, RM3c
Joseph K. Langdell, Ens. Thomas H. Lawrence, Sea1c James L. Lawson, GM3c
Leonard G. Lawson, Sea1c Lindsay R. Leighton, WT1c Louis Lencses, GM3c
George B. Lenning, Ens. Curtis J. Leopard, BM1c William E. Lewis, Lt.(jg)(MC)
Jack L. Lindsey, Sea1c Russell A. Lott, Sea1c Steven J. Lukasavitz, Sea1c
Donald E. MacQueen, Ens. Billy B. Mainwaring, F3c John Malaski, Sea1c
Everett A. Malcolm, Ens. Joseph Mancuso, Sea1c Charles C. Mann, Lt.
Harry B. Marcum, CEM Edward J. Marks, Cox Kleber S. Masterson, Lt.
Herbert Mattlage, Ens. John H. McCarron, GM2c Don E. McDonald, Sea1c
Charles W. McFall, GM1c Kenneth K. McKenna, SM1c Earle T. Melvin, CFC
John H. Metcalf, Sea2c Thomas W. Migliaccio, Sea2c Harvey H. Milhorn, GM3c
Jim D. Miller, Ens. Donald H. Millikin, Sea2c James H. Mini, Lt.(jg)
Stanley R. Mode, EM1c Rolland E. Mommer, BM2c Thomas D. Murdock, CY
Clay H. Musick, Sea1c Jack C. Mylan, SM2c Grady L. Nelson, Jr., Sea2c
Bobby E. Newell, Sea2c John E. Nichols, RM1c Stanley J. Niemara, Sea1c
Edward F. J. O. Brion, Sea1c Harold E. Oliphant, GM3c Vernon J. Olsen, Sea1c
William D. Osborne, Jr., Sea1c Robert H. Osmond, FC3c Vernon M. Osterberg, Ens.
Clarence W. Otterman, GM2c Paul R. Owen, Sea1c Patrocinio Pablo, OS1c
Louis J. Pacitti, GM3c William Parker, Sea1c Earl H. Pecotte, GM2c
William J. Peil, BM2c Seth H. Perry, Sea2c Berwyn R. Phipps, SF2c
George D. Phraner, Sea2c George F. Pittard, Lt. Robert L. Pitz, Sea1c
Francis L. Pollack, SC3c Stanley H. Port, Jr., Cox Ernest M. Posey, MM1c
Howard K. Potts, Cox Alfred A. Pousson, Sea2c Richard W. Probst, Sea1c
Louis A. Puckett, Comdr.(SC) William R. Purvis, F3c Wallace F. Quillin, Sea1c
Carl F. Rahn, Jr., Sea1c John W. Rampley, GM3c Millard A. Ramsdell, Ens.
Everett O. Reid, MM1c Eldon R. Reifert, Cox Maurice D. Rider, BM1c
William H. Ridley, RM3c Earl W. Riner, GM3c Lewis P. Robinson, Sea1c
John P. Rourke, Sea1c Welton D. Rowley, Lt. Comdr. Fred L. Ruhlman, Lt.
Jack I. Sadler, Sea2c Joseph S. Sadowski, Sea1c Elmer L. Sanders, GM1c
Robert I. Sargent, Jr., Sea2c Herman L. Schafer, Jr., Ens. Anthony R. Schubert, Ens.
William J. Schumacher, WT1c Robert F. Seeley, Sea2c John J. Shaffer, III, Lt.
Ernest M. Shawn, GM3c Joseph Shebak, Sea1c Martin L. Shew, MM2c
Claude W. Simmons, Jr., Sea1c Clyde C. Smith, CEM Harold F. Smith, BM2c
Roscoe B. Smith, GM3c William H. Smith, Jr., Cox Rutherford H. Snow, WT1c
Thomas W. Stanborough, Jr., Sea1c Don H. Starks, MM1c Bernald H. Stoffer, AMM1c
Donald G. Stratton, Sea1c Herbert R. Strong, Cox Jean M. Stuart, Sea1c
Aubry R. Sullivan, Cox Laurence E. Tagtmeyer, Ch Gun Murray L. Tapp, Sea2c
Stanley M. Teslow, GM2c Steven J. Thoma, EM3c Norman Thompson, Mach
Glenwood O.Trantham, BM1c Vernon A. Travioli, Sea2c Edward D. Tucker, Bm2c
Richard N. Turner, Jr., Sea1c Edward L. Van Winkle, F2c Keith L. Velia, Sea2c
James A. Vessels, GM3c Daniel Vidal, Matt1c Vincent J. Vlach, Jr., Y1c
Charles A. Von Spreckelsen, Ptr2c Edmund L. Urbaniak, Ch Carp Robert E. Wagner, Sea1c
Rudolph L. Wagner, CBM James E. Walker, QM2c Homan L. Walsh, Ens.(SC)
James R. Ward, Sea1c Kenneth T. Warriner, Sea2c Russell W. Warriner, Sea1c
Joseph H. Washington, Matt1c Howard L. Watson, BM1c Richard D. Weaver, BM1c
Frank Welch, Jr., Ens. Oree C. Weller, Sea2c Harold L. Wells, Sea1c
Eddie C. Welter, Sea1c Edward L. Wentzlaff, AOM2c Mark A. West, CMM
Clinton H. Westbrook, Sea1c Thomas A. White, BM2c John F. Williams, GM3c
Charles L. Wilson, Sea1c Harold G. Wilson, Jr., F2c James L. Wise, Sea1c
Edward A. Zadik, Sea2c
United States Marines
John M. Baker, Sgt Edward J. Braham, PFC Frank R. Cabiness, PFC
Edward J. Carter, PlatSgt James E. Cory, Pvt1c John P. Coursey, 1stLt.
Lamar S. Crawford, Pvt1c John H. Earle, Jr., Capt. Kenneth D. Goodman, Pvt1c
Charles L. Hardy, Pvt Russell J. McCurdy, Pvt Earl C. Nightingale, Cpl
Alan Shapley, Maj Michael Soley, Cpl Donald G. Young, Pvt1c

Last updated: September 20, 2024

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