Sculpting Memories

Your National Park for the Arts preserves the home and studio of sculptor Augustus Saint-Gaudens (1848-1907). Here stories flow through a landscape of inspiration. Discover the history behind the captivating bronze sculptures and enjoy the beauty of art and nature. The park and its partners continue the tradition of the Cornish Colony of artists. Unleash your creativity today.

large porch with table and flower arrangement
Plan Your Visit

Welcome to the 2024 visitor season! Plan your trip today.

sculptor pouring hot metal
Sculptural Visions

Learn more about the free annual festival on September 28, 2024

woman looking at camera
Photography in the Park

The park is a beautiful setting for a photo shoot. Please follow these guidelines for visiting artists.

ranger speaks to group on flower garden
Guided Tours

Learn more about regular ranger programs.

assortment of small figurines
the ways we remember

Don't miss the exhibit of contemporary art by Christina Pitsch in the Picture Gallery.

Black and white photograph of Augustus Saint-Gaudens in his early thirties.
Who was Augustus Saint-Gaudens?

The sculptor helped cast an American identity.

antique map of northeastern section of United States
Where's the Bronze?

Explore the public monuments by Augustus Saint-Gaudens across the world through this interactive map.

Civil War memorial behind small American flags in ground
Voices of the Shaw/54th Memorial

New scholarship expands the story of the Robert Gould Shaw and Massachusetts 54th Regiment Memorial

Last updated: September 8, 2024

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Contact Info

Mailing Address:

139 Saint Gaudens Road
Cornish, NH 03745



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