Prairies and Grasslands

Meadows at Malvern Hill
Meadows at Malvern Hill battlefield.

NPS Photo.

Many acres of Richmond National Battlefield Park are maintained as open grasslands to re-create the historic appearances of Richmond's battlefields. These areas approximate the landscape condition during the Civil War, when pasture and fallow agricultural fields were more common. At the same time these fields create an important and declining habitat for a diversity of plants, insects, and animals that require grassland ecosystems for survival.

The park's grasslands are fairly young communities, and because it often takes time for many plant species to colonize an area, they have no yet realized their full potential for biodiversity. However, the park works to promote native vegatation through management and control of invasive species. This will likely lead to the increased diversity of birds, insects, and other grassland animals as well. Currently, a variety of forbs and warm season native grasses such as Indian grass, little bluestem, and purple top help to protect soil and provide nutrition and habitat to native wildlife. The park manages these habitats through prescribed burning and occasional bush hogging to help to reduce woody and non-native species density and ensure that native grassland plants thrive in these open areas.

Visitors can experience the historic significance, natural beauty, and the variety of bird and insect songs associated with native grasslands at Malvern Hill and Gaines' Mill units. Richmond National Battlefield Park is committed to protecting the health of these important habitats long into the future.
A thumbnail for the video "Save SE Grasslands" showing a field of wildflowers
A thumbnail for the video "Save SE Grasslands"

NPS Photo.

Check out this video showing the importance and diversity of grassland habitats in the Southeast Region put together by the Southeastern Grasslands Initiative.

Last updated: January 26, 2022

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